
In comparatively few systems is the available water-power sufficient to carry the entire load at all hours of the day, and during all months of the year, so that the question of how much fuel can be saved is an uncertain one for many plants. Again, the development of water-power often involves a large investment, and may bring a burden of fixed charges greater than the value of the fuel saved.

In spite of these conflicting opinions and factors, the application of water-power in electrical systems is now going on faster than ever before. If a saving of fuel, measured by the available flow of water during those hours when it can be devoted directly to electrical supply, were its only advantage, the number of cases in which this power could be utilized at a profit would be relatively small. If, on the other hand, all of the water that passes down a stream could be made to do electrical work, and if the utilization of this water had other advantages nearly or quite as great as the reduction of expense for coal, then many water-powers would await only development to bring profit to their owners.

No part of the problem is more uncertain than the first cost and subsequent fixed charges connected with the development of water-power. To bring out the real conditions, the detailed facts as to one or more plants may be of greater value than mere general statements covering a wide range of cases.

On a certain small river the entire water privilege at a point where a fall of fourteen feet could be made available was obtained several years ago. At this point a substantial stone and concrete dam was built, and also a stone and brick power-house with concrete floor and steel truss roof. In this power-house were installed electric generators of 800 kilowatts total capacity, direct-connected to horizontal turbine wheels. The entire cost of the real estate necessary to secure the water-power privilege plus the cost of all the improvements was about $130,000. More than enough water-power to drive the 800-kilowatt generators at full load was estimated to be available, except at times of exceptionally low water. At this plant the investment for the water-power site, development, and complete equipment was thus $162 per kilowatt capacity of generators installed.

Allowing 65 days of low water, these generators of 800 kilowatts capacity may be operated 300 days per year. If the running time averages ten hours daily at full load, the energy delivered per year is 2,400,000 kilowatt hours. Ten per cent of the total investment should be ample to cover interest and depreciation charges, and this amounts to $13,000 yearly. It follows that the items of interest and depreciation on the original investment represent a charge of 0.54 cent per kilowatt hour on the assumed energy output at this plant. This energy is transmitted a few miles and used in the electrical supply system of a large city.

On another river the entire water privilege was secured about four years ago at a point where a fall of more than 20 feet between ledges of rock could be obtained and more than 2,000 horse-power could be developed. At this point a masonry dam and brick power-house were built, and horizontal turbine wheels were installed, direct-connected to electric generators of 1,500 kilowatts total capacity. The entire cost of real estate, water rights, dam, building, and equipment in this case was about $250,000.

Assuming, as before, that generators may be operated at full capacity for 10 hours per day during 300 days per year, the energy delivered by this plant amounts to 4,500,000 kilowatt hours yearly. The allowance of 10 per cent on the entire investment for interest and depreciation is represented by $25,000 yearly in this case, or 0.56 cent per kilowatt hour of probable output. Energy from this plant is transmitted and used in a large system of electrical supply.

If, through lack of water or inability to store water or energy at times when it is not wanted, generators cannot be operated at full capacity during the average number of hours assumed above, the item of interest and depreciation per unit of delivered energy must be higher than that computed. With the possible figure for this item at less than six-tenths of a cent per kilowatt hour, there is opportunity for some increase before it becomes prohibitive. At the plant last named the entire investment amounted to $166 per kilowatt capacity of connected generators, compared with $162 in the former case, and these figures may be taken as fairly representative for the development of water-power in a first-class manner on small rivers, under favorable conditions. In both of these instances the power-houses are quite close to the dams. If long canals or pipe lines must be built to convey the water, the expense of development may be greatly increased.

One advantage of water- over steam-power is the smaller cost of the building with the former for a given capacity of plant. The building for direct-connected electric generators, driven by water-wheels, is relatively small and simple. Space for fuel, boilers, economizers, feed-water heaters, condensers, steam piping, and pumps is not required where water-power is used. No chimney or apparatus for mechanical draught is needed.

The model electric station operated by water-power usually consists of a single room with no basement under it. One such station has floor dimensions 27 by 52 feet, giving an area of 1,404 square feet, and contains generators of 800 kilowatts capacity. This gives 1.75 square feet of floor space per kilowatt of generators. In this station there is ample room for all purposes, including erection or removal of machinery.

Next to the saving of fuel, the greatest advantage of water-power is due to the relatively small requirements for labor at generating stations where it is used. This is well illustrated by an example from actual practice. In a modern water-power station that contributes to electrical supply in a large city the generator capacity is 1,200 kilowatts. All of the labor connected with the operation of this station during nearly twenty-four hours per day is done by two attendants working alternate shifts.

These attendants live close to the station in a house owned by the electric company, and receive $60 each per month in addition to house rent. Considering the location, $12 per month is probably ample allowance for the rent. This brings the total expense of operation at this station for labor up to $132 per month, or $1,584 per year, a sum corresponding to $1.32 yearly per kilowatt of generator capacity.

At steam-power stations of about the above capacity, operating twenty-four hours daily, $6 is an approximate yearly cost of labor per kilowatt of generators in use. It thus appears that water-power plants may be operated at less than one-fourth of the labor expense necessary at steam stations per unit of capacity. On an average, the combined cost of fuel and labor at electric stations driven by steam-power is a little more than 76 per cent of their total cost of operation. Of this total, labor represents about 28, and fuel about 48 per cent. Water-power, by dispensing with fuel and with three-fourths of the labor charge, reduces the expense of operation at electric stations by fully 69 per cent.

But this great saving in the operating expenses of electric stations can be made only where water entirely displaces coal. If part water-power and part coal are used, the result depends on the proportion of each, and is obviously much affected by the variations of water-power capacity. In such a mixed system the saving effected by water-power must also depend on the extent to which its energy can be absorbed at all hours the day. By far the greater number of electric stations using water-power are obliged also to employ steam during either some months in the year or some hours in the day, or both.

Fig. 3.

It is highly important, therefore, to determine, as nearly as may be, the answers to three questions:

First, what variations are to be expected in the capacity of a water-power during the several months of a year?

Second, if the daily flow of water is equal in capacity to the daily output of electrical energy, how far can the water-power be devoted to the development of that energy?

Third, with a water-power sufficient to carry all electrical loads at times of moderately high water, what percentage of the yearly output of energy in a general supply system can be derived from the water?

To the first of these questions experience alone can furnish an answer. Variations in the discharge of rivers during the different months of a year are very great. In a plant laid out with good engineering skill some provision will be made for the storage of water, and the capacity of generating equipment will correspond to some point between the highest and lowest rates of discharge.

Curve No. 1 in the diagram on the opposite page represents the energy output at an electric station driven entirely by water-power from a small stream during the twelve months of 1901, the entire flow of the stream being utilized. During December, 1901, the output of this station was 527,700 kilowatts, and was greater than that in any other month of the year. Taking this output at 100 per cent, the curve is platted to show the percentage attained by the delivered energy in each of the other months. At the lowest point on the curve, corresponding to the month of February, the output of energy was only slightly over 33 per cent of that in December. During nine other months of the year the proportion of energy output to that in December was over 60 and in three months over 80 per cent. For the twelve months the average delivery of energy per month was 73.7 per cent of that during December.

Percentages of Energy Delivered
in Different Months, 1901.

January 68.0
February 33.1
March 80.5
April 81.7
May 77.9
June 58.6
July 67.7
August 75.8
September 79.3
October 65.9
November 95.8
December 100.0

At a somewhat small water-power station on another river with a watershed less precipitous than that of the stream just considered, the following results were obtained during the twelve months ending June 30th, 1900. For this plant the largest monthly output of energy was in November, and this output is taken at 100 per cent. The smallest delivery of energy was in October, when the percentage was 53.1 of the amount for November. In each of seven other months of the year the output of energy was above 80 per cent of that in November. During March, April, May, and June the water-power yielded all of the energy required in the electrical supply system with which it was connected, and could, no doubt, have done more work if necessary. For the twelve months the average delivery of energy per month was 80.6 per cent of that in November, the month of greatest output.

Percentages of Energy Delivered
in Different Months, 1899 and 1900.

July 68.6
August 69.1
September 73.3
October 53.1
November 100.0
December 87.0
January 84.9
February 91.3
March 98.5
April 85.7
May 80.8
June 74.9

The gentler slopes and better storage facilities of this second river show their effect in an average monthly delivery of energy 6.9 per cent higher as to the output in a month when it was greatest than the like percentage for the water-power first considered. These two water-power illustrate what can be done with only very moderate storage capacities on the rivers involved. At both stations much water escapes over the dams during several months of each year. With enough storage space to retain all waters of these rivers until wanted the energy outputs could be largely increased.

As may be seen by inspection of curve No. 2, the second water-power has smaller fluctuations of capacity, as well as a higher average percentage of the maximum output than the water-power illustrated by curve No. 1.

If the discharge of a stream during each twenty-four hours is just sufficient to develop the electrical energy required in a supply system during that time, the water may be made to do all of the electrical work in one of two ways. If the water-power has enough storage capacity behind it to hold the excess of water during some hours of the day, then it is only necessary to install enough water-wheels and electric generators to carry the maximum load. Should the storage capacity for water be lacking, or the equipment of generating apparatus be insufficient to work at the maximum rate demanded by the electrical system, then an electric storage battery must be employed if all of the water is to be utilized and made to do the electrical work.

The greatest fluctuations between maximum and minimum daily loads at electric lighting stations usually occur in December and January. The extent of these fluctuations is illustrated by curve No. 3, which represents the total load on a large electrical supply system during a typical week-day of January, 1901. On this day the maximum load was 2,720 and the minimum load 612 kilowatts, or 22.5 per cent of the highest rate of output. During the day in question the total delivery of energy for the twenty-four hours was 30,249 kilowatt hours, so that the average load per hour was 1,260 kilowatts. This average is 46 per cent of the maximum load.

Computation of the area included by curve No. 3 above the average load line of 1,260 kilowatts shows that about 17.8 per cent of the total output of energy for the day was delivered above the average load, that is, in addition to an output at average load. It further appears by inspection of this load curve that this delivery of energy above the average load line took place during 12.3 hours of the day, so that its average rate of delivery per hour was 438 kilowatts.

If a water-power competent to carry a load of 1,260 kilowatts twenty-four hours per day be applied to the system illustrated by curve No. 3, then about 17.8 per cent of the energy of the water for the entire day must be stored during 11.7 hours and liberated in the remaining 12.3 hours. This percentage of the total daily energy of the water amounts to 36 per cent of its energy during the hours that storage takes place.

If all of the storage is done with water, the electric generators must be able to work at the rate of 2,720 kilowatts, the maximum load. If all of the storage is done in electric batteries, the use of water may be uniform throughout the day, and the generator capacity must be enough above 1,260 kilowatts to make up for losses in the batteries. Where batteries are employed the amount of water will be somewhat greater than that necessary to operate the load directly with generators, because of the battery losses.

In spite of the large fluctuations of electrical loads throughout each twenty-four hours, it is thus comparatively easy to operate them with water-powers that are little, if any, above the requirements of the average loads.

Perhaps the most important question relating to the use of water-power in electrical supply is what percentage of the yearly output of energy can be derived from water where this power is sufficient to carry the entire load during a part of the year. With storage area for all surplus water in any season, the amount of work that could be done by a stream might be calculated directly from the records of its annual discharge of water. As such storage areas for surplus water have seldom, or never, been made available in connection with electrical systems, the best assurance as to the percentage of yearly output that may be derived from water-power is found in the experience of existing plants.

The question now to be considered differs materially from that involving merely the variations of water-power in the several months, or even the possible yearly output from water-power. The ratio of output from water-power to the total yearly output of an electrical system includes the result of load fluctuations in every twenty-four hours and the variable demands for electrical energy in different months, as well as changes in the amount of water-power available through the seasons.

In order to show the combined result of these three important factors curve No. 4 has been constructed. This indicates the percentages of total semi-yearly outputs of electrical energy derived from water-power in two supply systems. Each half-year extends either from January to June, inclusive, or from July to December, inclusive, and thus covers a wet and dry season. Each half-year also includes a period of maximum and one of minimum demand for electrical energy in lighting. The period of largest water supply usually nearly coincides with that of heaviest lighting load, but this is not always true.

Electrical systems have purposely been selected in which the water-power in at least one month of each half-year was nearly or quite sufficient to carry the entire electrical load. The percentage of energy from water-power to the total energy delivered by the system is presented for each of five half-years. Three of the half-years each run from July to December, and two extend from January to June, respectively. The half years that show percentages of 66.8, 80.2, and 95.6, respectively, for the relation of energy from water-power to the total electrical output relate to one system, and the half years that show percentages of 81.97 and 94.3 for the energy from water-power relate to another system.

For the half-year when 66.8 per cent. of the output of the electrical system was derived from water-power, the total output of the system was 3,966,026 kilowatt hours. During the month of December in this half-year more than 98 per cent of the electrical energy delivered by the system was from water-power, though the average for the six months was only 66.8 per cent from water.

In the following six months, from January to June, the electrical supply system delivered 4,161,754 kilowatt hours, and of this amount the water-power furnished 80.2 per cent. For the six months just named, one month, May, saw 99 per cent of all the delivered energy derived from water-power.

The same system during the next half-year, from July to December, without any addition to its water-power development or equipment, got 95.6 per cent of its entire energy output from water-power, and this output amounted to 4,415,945 kilowatt hours. In one month of the half-year just named only 0.2 per cent of the output was generated with steam-power.

These three successive half years illustrate the fluctuations of the ratio between water-power outputs and the demands for energy on a single system of electrical supply. The percentage of 81.9 for energy derived from water-power during the half-year from July to December represents the ratio of output from water to the total for an electrical supply system where water generated 94 per cent of all the energy delivered in one month.

In the same system during the following six months, with exactly the same water-power equipment, the percentage of output from water-power was 94.3 of the total kilowatt-hours delivered by the system. This result was reached in spite of the fact that the total outputs of the system in the two half-years were equal to within less than one per cent.

The lesson from the record of these five half-years is that comparatively large variations are to be expected in the percentage of energy developed by water-power to the total output of electrical supply systems in different half-years. But, in spite of these variations, the portion of electrical loads that may be carried by water-power is sufficient to warrant its rapidly extending application to lighting and power in cities and towns.


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