
Formerly only one way of making the cover was known, and that was the gradual making of it on the book itself. This has been considerably changed of late owing to the production of immense quantities for publishers' requirements. Book and cover are now in many cases made separately, the former being afterwards glued into its cover or "cased."

The publisher's case is nowadays a necessary evil, without which we cannot get along and which we have got to take into account. In spite of it, bindings are still being produced in the old approved way, particularly in small establishments and in high-class shops. Before we proceed with the preparation of the cover after the trimming, we must know how it is intended to treat the book. In the preceding chapter we have learned the methods of boarding, and this now leads to the methods of covering. Previous to that, however, we would like to give a plan showing the various ways of treating the volumes under consideration, and then the chapter on the covers may be given (see plan on page 94).

View of the Most General Styles of Binding, Showing the Divisions of the Work.

Table of Headings:
Col. A: Folding. Pulling to pieces.
Col. B: Sewing.
Col. C: HollÄndering.
Col. D: Gluing. Pasting.
Col. E: Pressing. Cutting.
Col. F: Marbling and gilding edges.
Col. G: Rounding. Backing.
Col. H: Boarding.
Work on the book.
First stage. Second
Style of Binding. A B C D E F G H
Brochure Paper boards
School books
Half cloth (bound)
Half cloth (cased)
Whole cloth (bound)
Whole cloth (cased)
Half leather
Half calf, extra
Whole leather
Publishers' cases
Table of Headings:
Col. I: Making the case.
Col. J: Covering.
Col. K: Pressing.
Col. L: Preparing the leather.
Col. M: Covering.
Col. N: Fastening the book in the cover.
Col. O: Pasting down.
Col. P: Jointing.
Col. Q: Pasting down end papers.
Col. R: Hand tooling and decorating.
Work on the Cover.
Casing. Covering. Finishing.
Style of Binding. I J K L M N O P Q R
Brochure Paper boards
School books
Half cloth (bound)
Half cloth (cased)
Whole cloth (bound)
Whole cloth (cased)
Half leather
Half calf, extra
Whole leather
Publishers' cases


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