1725 Born in West Barnstable, Massachusetts, Feb. 5. 1739 Entered Harvard College, June. 1743 Was graduated from Harvard. 1745 Begins the study of law. 1748 Begins the practice of law at Plymouth, Massachusetts. 1750 Removes to Boston. 1755 Marries Miss Ruth Cunningham. 1760 Publishes "Rudiments of Latin Prosody." 1761 Opposes the "Writs of Assistance." 1762 Publishes "The Rights of the Colonies Vindicated." 1765 Moves resolution for Congress of Delegates to consider "The Stamp Act," June. Attends the Congress called to consider "The Stamp Act" in New York, and appointed on the committee to prepare address to Parliament, October. 1767 Elected Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly. 1769 Attacked and severely injured by Robinson. 1771 Elected to the legislature of Massachusetts. 1775 Participates in the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17. 1778 Pleads case before court in Boston 1783 Killed by stroke of lightning at Andover, Mass., May 23. BIBLIOGRAPHY.For those who wish to read extensively, the following works are especially commended: Library of American Biography. Jared Sparks. Vol. 2. Boston Life of James Otis. By William Tudor. Orators of the American Revolution. E. L. Magoon. "Otis Papers." In Collection of Massachusetts Historical Society, "Life of James Otis." By Francis Bowen, in Sparks' American Cyclopedia of American Biography. D. Appleton & Co. New York. American Law Register. Vol. 3, page 641. North American Review. Vol. 16, page 337. J. C. Gray. "The Old South Leaflets," prepared by Edwin D. Mead. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, Publishers. DeToqueville's Democracy in America. Works of John Fiske. Ridpath's History of the United States. Ellis' History of the United States. |