
Adams, John, 23
Agra, bishop of, 308-9
Aiguillon, Duc de, 99, 154
Alsace, 206, 208, 211
Amsterdam, 329
Anglas, Boissy d', 293, 337-8
Archives, Austrian, 364
Argenson, d', 8-9
Argenteau, Mercy, 147
Armand, Colonel, the Marquis de la Rouerie, 302-3
Arneth, 364
Artois, Comte d', 59, 69, 178-9, 204, 339
Auckland, Lord, 320
Aulard, 371-2
Baillon, 183, 187, 189
Bailly, 71, 74, 88
BÂle, peace of, 327
Barante, 355
Barbaroux, 267
Barentin, 55
BarÈre, 99, 117, 257, 273, 289, 295, 332, 335
Barnave, 91-3, 109, 191, 195, 200
Barras, 298, 344
BarthÉlemy, 337, 365
Bastille, 84, 85
Batz, Baron de, 354
Baudot, 280
Bazire, 271
Beaumetz, 128
BÉcard, 85
Beccaria, 18
Belgium, 330
Bentham, 106
Bernier, 307-9
Bertrand, 246
Besenval, 84
Beurnonville, 217
Billaud-Varennes, 284, 274, 280-2, 294-5, 333-5
Blanc, Louis, 349-50
Bonchamps, Marquis de, 305, 310-312 ff.
Bordeaux, archbishop of, 102
BouillÉ, Marquis de, 174-5, 181, 367
BouillÉ, de, the younger, 185
Bourbon, House of, 260, 337, 340
Bourdon, 298
Breteuil, 83, 175, 231
Bridport, Lord, 339
Brissot, 205, 209, 226, 243, 259
Broglie, Marshal de, 80
Brunswick, Duke of, 211, 231
Brussels, 221
Burke, Edmund, 29, 31, 126, 183, 204, 213
Buzot, 249, 267, 334, 367
Cabanis, 268
Calonne, 45, 178-9
CambacÉrÈs, 274, 299, 337, 341
Cambon, 293-4
Campan, Madame, 128
Camus, 105
Carlyle, 358
Carnac, 339
Carnot, 258, 274, 290, 318, 324-6, 334
Carnot the younger, 359
Carrier, 93, 315, 333, 334
Cassagnac, Granier de, 349
Castlereagh, Lord, 324
Cathelineau, 304, 308, 310-11
CazalÈs, 75, 110, 193
CÉrutti, 92
Chabot, 264
Charette, 237, 304, 307, 310-14, 335, 339-40
Charleroi, 328
Charles, Archduke, 328
Chartres, Duc de, 257
Chateaubriand, 115, 348, 353
Chatelet, Duc de, 101
Chatham, 26-7
Chaumette, 272, 276-7, 278, 280
Chauvelin, 318-19
Choiseul, Duc de, 181, 185
Cholet, battle of, 313
Chouans, Chouannerie, 302, 303, 339-340
Clerfayt, 216-17, 221-2
Clermont, Count Tonnerre de, 82, 98, 102, 230
Clermont, 188-90
Cloots, Anacharsis, 277
Coburg, Prince of, 320, 325-6, 328
Coffinhal, 294, 297, 299
Collot, 289, 292
CondÉ, 325
Condorcet, 261, 267-8
Cook, Captain, 149
Corday, Charlotte, 265-7, 349
Cordeliers, the, 128, 227, 229
Cormatin, 335, 341
Corsica, 322
Cottereau, 302
Courier, Paul Louis, 348
Courmenin, 354
Couthon, 286, 297-8
Croker, 350
Custine, 220, 253
Cuvier, 357
Damas, 188, 189, 191
Danton, 84, 226, 234, 238, 241, 242-4, 257, 261, 273-8, 282-3, 318, 349, 352, 372
Dareste, 359
Daunou, 341
Delauney, 85, 86
Delessart, 202, 208-9
Desaix, 325
DesÈze, 252
Desmoulins, Camille, 84, 226, 248, 280, 282
Diderot, 31
Domat, 2
Dreux-BrÉzÉ, 74
Drouet, 186-8, 191-2
Droz, 346-7, 350
Dumouriez, 209, 215, 221, 222-3, 262, 319, 366
Dunkirk, 320, 326
Dupont de Nemours, 51, 62, 116
Duport, 98, 99, 100, 155
ÉgalitÉ, Prince, 221
Eglantine, Fabre de, 277
ElbÉe, de, 303, 305
Elizabeth, Princess, 181, 246
ÉmigrÉs, the, 129, 178, 201, 240, 260, 313-14, 338-40
Estaing, Count, 127, 136
Favras, Marquis de, 145
FÉderÉs, the, 229
FÉnelon, 3, 4
Fersen, Count, 176, 182-4, 188, 206, 213, 365-7
Feuillants, 194, 226, 230
Fleurus, battle of, 290, 328
Fontenoy, Madame de, her note to Tallien, 293
FouchÉ, 289 ff., 324
Foulon, 90
Fouquier-Tinville, 332, 335
Fox, 259, 320
Francis, king of Hungary, 209
Franklin, 126
Frederic William, 211, 219
FrÉron, 226
Gabourd, AmÉdÉe, 354
Garat, 254
Genoude, 353
George III., 202, 259, 320, 329
Gobel, 171, 277
Godoy, Manuel, 329
Goethe, 218
Goguelat, 189
Gouvion, General, 182-3
Gower, Lord, 155, 318
GrÉgoire, bishop of Blois, 171, 278
Grenville, 318, 320
Guadeloupe, 322
Guizot, 355
Gustavus III., 178
Guyot, bishop of Agra, 309
Hamilton, Alexander, 34, 36
Hanriot, 295-6, 299
Hauranne, Duvergier de, 357, 359-6055, 59, 131, 138, 140, 141-2, 177-8, 197, 180, 200, 206-7, 213, 275, 348, 363-4
Marigny, 311
Martin, Henry, 359
MassÉna, 274, 325
Maulevrier, Count Colbert de, 343
Maultrot, 3
Maurepas, 43
Maury, Cardinal, 110, 147
Mayence, 312
Menou, 343
Mentz, 326
Mercier de la RiviÈre, 13
Merlin, 288, 341
Michelet, 351, 360
Mirabeau, 37, 62, 63, 64, 82, 105, 110, 125, 131, 148, 151, 153, 154, 156-7, 347, 361
Moellendorf, Marshal, 329
Mons, 328
Montagu, 322, 323
Montalembert, 356
Montciel, Terrier de, 226, 229
Montesquieu, 7, 220
Montlosier, 65, 144, 366
MontmÉdy, 180
Montmorin, 153
Moreau, 274, 325
Morris, 82, 230
Mounier, 60, 61, 95, 109, 111, 118, 122-3, 132-3, 137, 143
Mousson, 251
Murat, 344
Nantes, 311, 333
Napier, 313
Naples, 321
Napoleon Bonaparte, 61, 115, 216, 236, 259, 274, 316, 325-6, 344
Narbonne de Lara, Count, Minister of War, 201-2, 208
Necker, 43, 46, 47, 49, 56, 64, 70, 73, 75, 83, 88, 101, 124, 135
Neerwinden, 325
Ney, Marshal, 325
Niebuhr, 355, 369
Noailles, 87, 99

Orange, the Prince of, 329
Orleans, the Duke of, 135-6, 253
Orleans, the Duchess of, 349
Paine, Tom, 126, 249
Pamiers, bishop of, 175
Panis, 226, 281
Panizzi, 358
Paris, archbishop of, 81, 167
PenthiÈvre, Duc de, 339
PÉtion, 201, 226, 235, 249, 267
Pichegru, 329, 337
Pilnitz, declaration of, 202
Pitt, 210, 216, 254, 314, 318, 321, 329, 338, 346
Pius VI. and the Civil Constitution of the clergy, 170, 172-3
Plain, the deputies of the, 291
Poland, 320
Polignac, the Duchess of, 65, 83, 88
PontÉcoulant, 349
Portugal, 321
PrÉcy, 269
Priestly, 248
Prieur, 274
Provence, the Count of, 48, 50, 145-6, 181, 337
Prussia, 329
Puisaye, Count de, 265, 313, 338
Quiberon, battle of, 340
Quinet, 360
Ranke, 371
Raynal, AbbÉ, 18
Rebecqui, 251
Reinhard, 200
Reynier, 325
Richelieu, Duc de, 135
Rigby, Dr., 86
Robespierre, 117, 226, 270, 273, 275, 278, 280, 284, 285, 294, 298, 299-300, 330, 332, 351
Rochefoucauld, La, Duke de Liancourt, 87, 233
Rochejaquelein, Henri de la, 305, 309, 314
Roederer, 225, 236-7
Roland, 228, 238, 243, 249, 251, 264
Roland, Madame, 225, 267, 367
Romeuf, 183, 188
Romilly, Sir Samuel, 94
Romme, 277, 336
Rouerie, Marquis de la, 302-3
Rousseau, 14-17, 285, 333, 348
Royer Collard, 122
Saint Victor, 348
Sainte Marie, Miomandre de, 138
Santerre, 226-8, 235
Sardinia, the king of, 220
Sauce, 189
Saumur, 308
Savenay, 315
Scheldt, opening of the, 318
SÉchelles, HÉrault de, 269, 271, 281
SÉmonville, 275
Sergent, 226
Serre, De, 114
SieyÈs, 67, 101-2, 110, 119, 121, 159-62, 163, 249, 261, 340-41
Simolin, 208
Smith, Adam, 22
Sombreuil, 246, 338-40
Sorel, 367, 371
Spain, 260, 321, 329, 337
Spencer, Lord, 329
St. Cyr, 325
St. Just, 251, 273, 280-81, 290, 295, 297
St. MÉnehould, 186-7
St. Priest, 130, 135-6, 355
StaËl, Madame de, 137, 201
Stofflet, 305, 310-11, 314-15, 335, 339
Swiss Guard, 238
Sybel, Heinrich von, 356, 360-70
Taine, 93, 353, 360, 367, 370-71
Talleyrand, bishop of Autun, 69, 75, 79, 110, 156, 167, 171, 319, 347, 365-6
Tallien, 243, 281, 292, 295, 332, 337, 340
Tallien, Madame, 331
Talmond, Prince de, 314
Target, 116
Ternaux, Mortimer, 360
Thibaudeau, 341
Thierry, 353
Thiers, 357, 369
Thouret, 119, 123
Tocqueville, 157, 350, 356, 359-60
Torfou, 312
Torquemada, 352
Toulon, 315, 321
Toulouse, archbishop of, 46, 148
Tourzel, Madame de, 245
Tronchet, 252
Turgot, 10, 11, 14, 42
Tuscany, 337
Ushant, 290
Vadier, 295
Valenciennes, 312, 325
Valmy, 216, 218
Vancouver Island, THE END

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