
IF you would view, buy tickets at the door.
Your brain for lucre please! the fishes here
Require some effort on your part, no more,
For comprehension; then the water’s clear
And you will see, dimpling in hyaline
Fish, oval, strange, glitter as rubied wine
In crystal goblets; fish with spotted gills,
Great flower-fish like open daffodils,
Pale fish that float with mellow, morbid eyes,
Dark fish that feed on wings of dragon flies,
Fish fulvid and fugacious, hovering
Amongst the silver cress with carmine wing,
And fish with small reticulated scales
Floundering mazed, with iridescent tails
Diaphanously quivering ...
Mad, necrophilic urchins cleft to trees
Of coral, with a sting as keen as bees
When they would kiss you; fish electrical
And fish with poniards, fierce, inimical,
Red fish that bark like mastiffs at the moon,
Blue limpets, purple jellies, fish that croon
Mauve, melancholy melodies, and fish
To suit your mood, good reader, as you wish!

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