Transcriber's Notes


Inconsistent, archaic and unusual language, punctuation and spelling have been retained, except as mentioned below. The book uses a comma for decimal point as well as for thousands separator.

The (minor) differences in wording between the Table of Contents and the actual text headings and the use of £ (with or without full stop and/or space) and l. have not been standardised.

Depending on the hard- and software used and their settings, not all elements may display as intended.

When relevant, texts have been removed from the plates and transcribed outside the plates. Such texts are enclosed in a dotted box.

Plate II, 'Accums’': as printed in original work.

Page xv, entry AMMONIACAL LIQUOR: there is no separate section for this material, but it is described in the first part of the section on Carbonate of Ammonia on page 303.

Page 43, 'Pont Tops': possibly Pontops.

Page 49, 'Tramsaren, near Kidwelly': possibly Trimsaran.

Page 79, table: the quantities given add up to 556 cubic feet.

Page 84, 'Enclosed are the result': as printed in the source document.

Page 86, Expenditure of Process A: the amounts given do not add up to the total.

Page 103/104, calculation: the numbers given do not add up to the first sub-total.

Page 196, example of capacity calculation: the dimensions given result in a capacity of 22,500 cubic feet.

Plate III, 'discription': as printed in the source document.


Footnotes have been moved to under the paragraph where they are referenced.

Tables printed over multiple pages have been re-combined into single tables; where relevant, items such as Carried Over etc. have been removed. The lay-out of the tables with financial analyses has been standardised.

Several obvious minor typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected silently.

Page iii: 'as its little expresses' changed to 'as its title expresses'.

Page x: entries for pages 80 and 81 moved to their proper place.

Page xv: page number for entry AMMONIACAL LIQUOR changed to 303 (see above).

Page 42, 'principle coal mines' changed to 'principal coal mines'.

Page 43: 'Cowpers Main' changed to 'Cowper’s Main'.

Page 143: 'Melam' changed to 'Malam'.

Page 189, 'a fixed rigde point' changed to 'a fixed ridge point'.

Page 218, '10,00,000 revolutions' changed to '100,000 revolutions'.

Page 304: 'it will turn blue litmus, paper red' changed to 'it will turn blue litmus paper, red'.

Page 312: 'sal-ammonia' changed to 'sal-ammoniac'.

Index: Lines used as ditto marks and the word 'ditto' have been replaced with the dittoed words and phrases.

Price lists: in some cases the word ditto has been replaced with the dittoed text.


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