Blocked line
Advantages of the art of procuring light by means of coal gas 1
Air box of lime machine 153
Ammoniacal liquor, quantity obtainable from a given quantity of coal 303
Ammoniacal liquor, quantity of sulphuric acid, required for saturating a given quantity 303
Ammoniacal liquor, conversion of, into carbonate of ammonia 303
Ammoniacal liquor, conversion of, into muriate of ammonia 303
Apparatus for obtaining carburetted hydrogen gas from coal tar 285
Apparatus for purifying coal gas 141
Apparatus for certifying the proper mode of working the lime machine 157
Argand gas lamp 253
Argand gas lamp, quantity of gas consumed by different kinds 275
Art of procuring coal gas, theory of 33
Bat’s wing gas burner 255
Bends, for connecting gas pipes 267
Burner, argand 253
Burner, bat’s wing 255
Burner, cockspur 255
Branch pipes 239
Branch pipes, dip of 243
Branch pipes, mode of connecting 263
Branch pipes, mode of proving 265
Branch pipes, corrosion of 260
Carbonate of ammonia, preparation of, from ammoniacal liquor of coal 303
Cement, for connecting gas mains 241
Chandelier, sliding, for burning gas 257
Chester gas holder, description of 175
Coal, analysis of, by destructive distillation 35
Coal, chemical constitution of 42
Coal, classification of 41
Coal, comparative facility with which different species are decomposed 106
Coal, chiefly composed of bitumen only, varieties of 42
Coal, chiefly composed of bitumen, maximum quantity of gas obtainable from them 43
Coal, containing more carbon than bitumen 45
Coal, containing more carbon than bitumen, maximum quantity of gas obtainable from them 48
Coal, destitute of bitumen 42
Coal, maximum quantity of gas obtainable from them 44
Coal, Gloucestershire 49
Coal, Kilkenny 44
Coal, Lancashire 44
Coal, Newcastle Retorts, cylindrical, experiments on setting three to one fire place 61
Retorts, cylindrical, experiments on setting four to one fire place 53
Retorts, cylindrical, cost of erecting them 99
Retorts, cylindrical, best mode of working them 94
Retorts, cylindrical, minimum quantity of fuel required for working them 61
Retorts, cylindrical, temperature best adapted for working them 94
Retorts, cylindrical, conical 52
Retorts, cylindrical, conical, comparative power of 55
Retorts, cylindrical, ellipsoidal 53
Retorts, horizontal rotary 110
Retorts, horizontal rotary, at the Royal Mint Gas Works 112
Retorts, horizontal rotary, at Birmingham 111
Retorts, horizontal rotary, at Chester 111
Retorts, horizontal rotary, at Kidderminster 111
Retorts, horizontal rotary, action and management of 121
Retorts, horizontal rotary, advantages of 124
Retorts, horizontal rotary, directions to workmen with regard to working them 134
Retorts, parallelopipedal 52
Retorts, parallelopipedal, comparative power of 55
Retorts, parallelopipedal, best mode of working them 93
Retorts, semi-cylindrical 53
Retorts, oven, description of, at the Westminster and City of London Gas Works 69
Retorts, oven, experiments on 84
Revolving gas holder, at the Westminster Gas Works 181
Revolving gas holder, rule for calculating its capacity 185
Safety valve, reciprocating 196
Self-acting guage, (see governor) 171
Siphon 221
Sliding chandelier 257
South London Gas Works 69
Spigot and faucit pipes 241
Staffordshire coal 44
Swing bracket gas burner 257
Tar, quantity obtainable from a given quantity of coal 130
Tar gas, quantity obtainable from a given quantity of coal tar 287
Tar gas, from vegetable tar 284
Tar, retort 285
Temperature for working cast iron retorts, remarks on 94
Test apparatus, for certifying the proper manner of working the lime machine 157
Theory of the production of gas lights


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