The author of this work respectfully informs the public, that they may be furnished with estimates, and plans for the building of Gas Works, particularly adapted to the circumstances of the places where they are to be established, and that he proposes to superintend the erection of the works. Mr. Accum also engages to supply the whole of the Gas Apparatus ready for immediate use, and to guaranty its efficient performance. Or he will contract with any committee, directory, or public company, for Lighting with Gas, any Town, Manufactory, or Building, upon whatever scale of magnitude, for an annual specific sum. Of the qualifications for the services which he thus proffers, he would speak with diffidence. Such proofs as he is able to offer of them, are to be found in the work here laid before the reader, beyond which he would add no more than the flattering testimony of approbation, with which his labours have been honoured, in having been selected by His Majesty’s Government to plan and erect the Gas Works at the Royal Mint, and since entrusted with the active management and superintendance of that establishment. Compton Street, Soho, The following particulars are required to be stated by those who are desirous of receiving estimates, concerning the comparative economy of applying coal gas as a substitute for oil, wax, or tallow light. 1. A plan of the place to be lighted with Gas, drawn to a scale not less than one tenth of an inch, to ten feet. The design must exhibit the particular spot, where the Machinery is to be erected. 2. The kind of gas lights required, namely; whether the lights shall be equal in illuminating power to one, or more tallow candles of a given weight, or equal to an argand lamp. 3. The number of lights. 4. The average time the lights are to burn, throughout the year. 5. The average price of coal, and rate of workmen’s wages, at the place where the light is wanted. AN |