Transcriber's notes


The entries in the Table of Contents do not always conform to the chapter and section headings in the text. Both have been retained as in the original work.
The errata have already been incorporated in the text; the error mentioned as occurring on page 24 actually occurs on page 22.
The original language, including inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, punctuation, formatting, etc. has been retained, except as mentioned below.
The e-reader cover image has been created for this project, and is placed in the public domain.
Unclear parts of the text have been checked against the on-line copy of this book of the EidgenÖssische Technische Hochschule ZÜrich.
Fractions like 1/2 and 1-10th have both been retained.
Page 90, Van Dieman, Troostwyck: Jan Rudolph Deiman and Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk.

Changes made to the text:
Obvious punctuation and typographical errors have been corrected silently.
Some footnotes, tables and illustrations have been moved; some tables have been re-arranged.

Other changes:
Page 23: any surfaces changed to any surface
Page 26: opening or shuting changed to opening or shutting
Page 47: A New changed to A new
Page 48: trafic changed to traffic; footnote [10]: corporated changed to incorporated (cf. errata)
Page 53: This combustion changed to The combustion (cf. errata)
Page 64: Cleg changed to Clegg (cf. errata); footnote anchor [14] moved from next page (cf. errata, footnote anchor *); communicates changed to communicated (cf. errata)
Page 67: 1250 + 2 = 2500 changed to 1250 × 2 = 2500
Page 69: Mr. Lee changed to “Mr. Lee for consistency
Page 72: closing quote mark added to letter
Page 96: pure coal- changed to pure coal-gas
Page 102: sub acetate changed to sub-acetate
Page 118: ball 6 changed to ball b
Page 119: e, are changed to e e, are
Page 125: 180 degree changed to 180 degrees (cf. errata); footnote [28]: may he compleatly changed to may be compleatly
Page 131: and make changed to and makes
Page 132: coal changed to coal-tar (cf. errata)
Page 158: Nortou Falgate changed to Norton Falgate; a about changed to about
Page 165, table: 10,509 changed to 10,500.


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