The Vatican by Torchlight, | (Frontispiece.) | The Mosaic Shop, | 12 | Preparing for the Journey, | 21 | The Pontine Marshes, | 49 | Doing Penance, | 59 | Riding among the Ruins, | 91 | Looking down from the Coliseum, | 109 | View of the Lower Corridors, | 123 | Ascent to the Capitol, | 139 | Statue of the Gladiator, | 143 | Interior of the Pantheon, | 163 | The Coliseum by Torchlight, | 209 | ROLLO'S TOUR IN EUROPE. ORDER OF THE VOLUMES. ROLLO ON THE ATLANTIC. ROLLO IN PARIS. ROLLO IN SWITZERLAND. ROLLO IN LONDON. ROLLO ON THE RHINE. ROLLO IN SCOTLAND. ROLLO IN GENEVA. ROLLO IN HOLLAND. ROLLO IN NAPLES. ROLLO IN ROME.
THE MOSAIC SHOP. See page 73. THE MOSAIC SHOP. See page 73.