In arranging for a journey in Italy with a vetturino, there are three separate classes of expenditure to be provided for. First, the carriage and horses; secondly, the board at the hotels by the way; and thirdly, the buono manos. As to the carriage and horses, the question, in the case of Mr. George's party, was soon settled. Vittorio said that his regular price was three napoleons a day for a full party. This is about twelve dollars, and includes the keeping of the horses, and all the tolls, tariffs, and way expenses of every kind. Mr. George had ascertained that this was about the usual price, and he did not ask Vittorio to take any less. For the board of the party by the way, Vittorio said that they could themselves call for what they wanted at the hotels, and pay their own bills, or he would provide for them all the way, on their paying him a certain sum per day for each person. This last is the usual plan adopted "And what shall you give us," asked Mr. George, in talking with Vittorio on this subject, "if you provide for us?" "In the morning," replied Vittorio, "before we set out, there will be coffee or tea, and bread and butter, with eggs. Then, when we stop at noon, you will have a second breakfast of mutton chops, fried potatoes, fried fish, omelets, and other such things. Then, at night, when the day's journey is done, you will have dinner." "Very well," said Mr. George. "I should think that that might do. And how much must we pay you?" "It used to be eight francs a day," said Vittorio; "but the price of every thing is raised, and now we cannot do it well for less than nine francs. I will do it for nine francs apiece all round." "But there are two boys," said Mr. George. "Don't you charge any thing extra for boys?" "No, sir," said Vittorio, smiling. He thought at first that Mr. George was going to ask for some abatement on account of a portion of the party being young. "No, sir; we don't charge any thing extra for them." "You would charge extra for them, I think," said Mr. George, "if you only knew how much they can eat." Vittorio smiled and said that if the party would pay nine francs apiece all round, he should be satisfied, without asking for any thing extra on account of the boys. The third item of expense in an Italian journey consists of the buono manos. In Italy, and indeed generally in Europe, though especially in Italy, nobody, in rendering you a service, is satisfied with receiving merely what you agreed to pay for the service. Every one expects something over at the end, as a token of your satisfaction with him. If you employ a guide in a town to show you about to the places and things that are curious there, under an agreement that he is to have a dollar a day, he is not satisfied at night if you pay him merely a dollar. He expects twenty cents or a quarter of a dollar over, as a buono mano, as it is called. This is the understanding on which the bargain is made. In the same manner, when you pay your bill at "Rollo," said Mr. George, "I am going to put the whole business of the buono manos into your hands." "Good!" said Rollo. "I'll take the business if you will only give me the money." "How much will it require, Vittorio, for each day, to do the thing up handsomely?" asked Mr. George. Vittorio immediately began to make a calculation. He reckoned in pauls, the money which is used most in the central parts of Italy. The substance of his calculation was, that for the whole party about half a dollar would be a proper sum to pay to the domestic at the hotel where they stopped for the night, and a quarter of a dollar or less at noon. Then there were chambermaids, ostlers, and drivers of extra horses or oxen to help up the long hills, all of whom would like a small buono mano. This would bring the amount up to about six francs, or a dollar and a quarter a day, on the plan of doing the thing up handsomely, as Mr. George had proposed. "You mean to be generous with them, uncle George," said Rollo. "Yes," said Mr. George. "In travelling in Italy, pay out liberally to every body that renders you any service, but not a sou to beggars. That's my rule." "Besides," he continued, "it is good policy for us to be generous in this case, for Mrs. Gray will While Mr. George was saying this, he took his wallet out of his pocket, and opened to the compartment of it which contained napoleons. "Let us see," said he; "we shall be ten days on the way in going to Naples, and Sunday makes eleven. Six francs a day for eleven days makes sixty-six francs." So saying, he took out three gold napoleons, for the sixty francs, and six francs in silver, and handing the whole to Rollo, said, "There's the money." "But, uncle George," said Rollo, "I can't pay the buono manos in gold." "No," said Mr. George; "you must get the money changed, of course." "And what shall I get it changed into?" asked Rollo. "I don't know, I'm sure," said Mr. George. "That's for you to find out. We have three different kinds of currency between here and Naples. We are now in Tuscany. After we get through Tuscany we come into the Roman states, and after we get through the Roman states we shall come into the kingdom of the two Sicilies, "But how shall I manage that?" asked Rollo. "I don't know," said Mr. George, "any more than you do. If I had it to do, I should try to find out. But that is your affair, not mine. You said that if I would give you the money you would take the whole business of the buono manos off my hands. I must go now and see about my arrangement with Mrs. Gray." "Well," said Rollo, "I'll find out what to do." Thus the buono mano question was disposed of. As to the board, Mr. George made a verbal agreement with Vittorio that he would pay fifty-four francs a day for the whole party, and that, in consideration of that sum, Vittorio was to provide board and lodging for them all, at the best hotels, and in the best style. He paid for five days in advance. At the end of that time, the party were to be at liberty either to continue the system at the same rate, or to abandon it, and pay the bills at the hotels themselves. In respect to the carriage and horses, Vittorio brought him an agreement, filled up from a printed form, which he and Vittorio signed in duplicate. It was as follows. There was a picture Vittorio Gonsalvi, Voiturier. Par la prÉsente Écriture, faite À double original, pour valoir et pour Être strictement observÉe, comme de droit, par les parties contractantes, a ÉtÉ fixe, et convenu ce qui suit. Moyennant ce paiement, qui s'effectuera moitiÉ avant de partir, moitiÉ À Napoli, le propriÉtaire de voiture, ou son conducteur dÉlÉguÉ, est tenu des obligations ci-aprÈs designÉes. Tous les frais occasionnÉs pour le passage des fleuves, riviÈres, ponts, et montagnes, ainsi que ceux des barriÈres, seront À la charge du voiturier conducteur. L'Étrenne d'usage À donner au voiturier conducteur sera selon son bon service. Le dit voyage sera fait dans dix jours complets. Le depart de Florence est fixÉ dans le journÉe du 23 courant, a onze heures matin. Pour tous les jours en sus, qu'il plairait À dit Monsieur Holiday de s'arrÊter dans une ville, ou qu'il y fut forcÉ par des imprÉvues, il est convenu qu'il payera cinq francs par jour par cheval pour la nourriture des chevaux. Le voiturier devra constamment descendre dans de bonnes auberges, et partira tous les matins Et pour l'observance des conditions ci-dessus mentionnÉes, les parties interessÉes l'ont volontairement signÉe. George Holiday, Vittorio Gonsalvi. The agreement which Mr. George made with Mrs. Gray was not so difficult to understand. Mrs. Gray did not, as Rollo had predicted, appear unwilling to make a definite arrangement in respect to the respective privileges and rights of the various members of the party in the carriage and at the hotels. She was a very sensible woman, and she saw the propriety of Mr. George's suggestion at once. Mr. George attributed the necessity of it, in part, to there being so many children in the party. "When there are children," said he, "we must have system and a routine." "That is very true," said Mrs. Gray. "And the more formal and precise the arrangement is, the better," said Mr. George. "It amuses them, and occupies their minds, to watch the operation of it." "Yes," said Mrs. Gray; "I have no doubt of it." "Then," said Mr. George, "I will draw up "But what shall I do," said Rosie, "if any body breaks any of the rules?" "Then they must be punished," said Mr. George. "You shall determine what the punishment shall be, and I will see that it is inflicted." So Mr. George drew up a set of rules; but before proposing them to Mrs. Gray and her children, he read them to Rollo. He read as follows:— I. The interior of the carriage, all the way, shall belong to Mrs. Gray and her family, and the coupÉ to Mr. George and Rollo. Mr. George or Rollo may, perhaps, sometimes ride inside; but if they do so, it is to be understood that they ride there as the guests of Mrs. Gray; and in the same manner, if at any time any of Mrs. Gray's party ride outside, it will be as the guests of Mr. George and Rollo. "Good!" said Rollo. "I like that regulation very much. I shall not want to get inside very often." "You may sometimes wish to invite Rosie to "No," said Rollo; "there will be room outside for her and me too. She can sit right between you and me." "And, perhaps, sometimes I may invite Rosie and her brother to come outside and ride with you, while I go inside with Mrs. Gray," added Mr. George. "That will be a good plan," said Rollo. "But now what is the second rule?" II. On arriving at a hotel for the night, Mrs. Gray is to take her choice first of all the rooms shown, for herself and Rosie. Then from the other rooms Mr. George is to choose the bed that he will sleep in. Then the two boys are to choose from the beds that are left, each to have the first choice alternately, beginning with Josie. "Why should Josie begin?" asked Rollo. "I am the oldest." "True," said Mr. George; "but it is of no consequence at all which begins, and as we are drawing up the rules, it is polite and proper to give Josie the precedence in such a point." "Very well," said Rollo; "go on. How about Susannah?" "O, it is not necessary to make any rule about Susannah," replied Mr. George. "I suppose that Mrs. Gray will take her into her room, if there is a spare bed there. If not, they must make some other arrangement for her." III. Every evening before the party separate for the night, Mrs. Gray shall decide at what hour we shall set off the next morning, and also at what hour we shall breakfast, after first hearing what Vittorio's opinion is as to the best time for setting out. "Why can't we have a fixed time for setting out every day?" asked Rollo, "and agree about it once for all beforehand." "Because we have different distances to go on different days," said Mr. George, "so that sometimes we shall have to set out much earlier than will be necessary at other times." "Then why should not we consult together as to the time?" asked Rollo. "I don't see any reason for leaving it altogether to one of the party." "Why, you see that Mrs. Gray is a lady," replied "And Susannah to help her," said Rollo. "True," said Mr. George; "still it seems proper that the time for setting out should be fixed by the lady,—of course, after hearing what the vetturino has to say." "I think so too," said Rollo; "so go on." IV. Any person who is not ready to sit down to breakfast at the time which shall have been appointed by Mrs. Gray the evening before, or who shall not be ready to enter the carriage at the time appointed, shall pay a fine, except in the case hereinafter provided for. If the person so behindhand is one of the children, the fine shall be two cents, or the value thereof in the currency of the country where we may chance to be; and if it is one of the grown persons, the fine shall be three times that amount, that is, six cents. "Yes; but suppose we don't wake up?" suggested Rollo. "That contingency is provided for in the next article," said Mr. George. V. It shall be Mr. George's duty to knock at all the bedroom doors every morning, three quarters of an hour before the time fixed for breakfast; and if he fails to do so, then he shall pay all the fines for tardiness that may be incurred that morning by any of the party. "Very good!" said Rollo. VI. It shall be Rosie's duty to decide whether or not any persons are tardy any morning; and her mother's watch shall be the standard of time. Her decisions shall be without appeal; and no excuses whatever shall be heard, nor shall there be any release from the fine, except in the case of a failure of Mr. George to knock at the doors, as hereinbefore provided. "But we might some of us have a good excuse some time," said Rollo. "True," said Mr. George; "we doubtless shall. But if we go upon the plan of admitting excuses, then there will be a long debate every morning, on the question whether the excuses are good or not, which will cause a great deal of "Well," said Rollo, "go on." VII. Josie is hereby appointed treasurer, to collect and keep the fines. "And what is to be done with the money?" asked Rollo. "You will see," said Mr. George. VIII. Any one of the party who shall at any time make complaint of any thing in respect to the carriage, or the riding during the day, or in respect to the food provided at the hotels, or the rooms, or the beds, when we stop for the night, except when such complaint relates to an evil which may be remedied, and is made with a view to having it remedied, shall be fined one cent, or the value thereof in the currency of the country. Rosie is to be the sole judge of the infractions of this rule, and is to impose the fine, while Josie, as before, is to collect and keep the money. "I wish you would make me the treasurer," said Rollo. "No," said Mr. George; "you have the care of the buono mano fund. Josie shall be treasurer for the fines." "Very well," said Rollo. IX. On the arrival of the party at Naples, the amount of the fine money shall be expended in the famous Neapolitan confectionery, and shall be divided equally among the three children. "Good!" said Rollo. "But, uncle George, I don't think you ought to call us children exactly. We are almost all of us twelve or thirteen." "True," said Mr. George, "you are not children; but what can I call you to distinguish you from the grown persons of the party. The regular and proper designation for persons under age, in a legal document, is infants." "Hoh!" said Rollo, "that is worse than children." "I might call you the young persons, or the junior members of the party." "Yes," said Rollo, "that will be better; the junior members of the party." So it was agreed to strike out the word children wherever it occurred in the document, and insert in lieu of it the phrase junior members of the party. With this correction the document was read to Mrs. Gray in the hearing of Rosie and Josie. They all approved it in every respect. The draught was then given to Rosie in order that she might make a fair copy of it. When the copy was made, the nine rules were read again in the hearing of the whole party, and all agreed to abide by them. Thus the arrangements for the journey were complete; and Mrs. Gray, after learning from Vittorio that the first day's journey would not be long, and that it would answer to set out at any time before noon, fixed the hour for departure at eleven o'clock. Vittorio said he would be at the door half an hour before, in order to have time to load the baggage. READING THE ARTICLES. READING THE ARTICLES. |