Here Philochristus is unlike himself. For whereas he is wont for the most part to omit miracles, albeit the Gospels relate them, here on the other hand he inserteth one, albeit the Gospels omit it. Howbeit, true it is that the holy Apostle Paul seemeth, in his first epistle to the Corinthians, to make mention of some manifestation of the Lord Jesus to the holy Apostle James. And the same is mentioned in certain traditions. But it is to be noted that, in the whole relation of the Resurrection of Jesus, Philochristus departeth from his usual course. For he reporteth many manifestations whereof mention is not made in all the three Gospels, nor even in two, but in one only; and he speaketh of others also innumerable. Howbeit he maketh no mention of that manifestation wherein the Lord partook of fish and honey with the Disciples. LONDON: R. CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS. Footnotes
Transcriber’s NoteVariations in hyphenation (e.g. “winebibber”, “wine-bibber”, “courtyard”, “court-yard”) or spelling have not been changed. Several missing quote marks have been added silently. Other changes, which have been made to the text: