Chapter | |
1 | Of my childhood in Galilee; and how I gave myself wholly to the study of the Law. |
2 | Of my doubts concerning the Law; and of the Patriots or Galileans; and of the expectation concerning John the son of Zachariah. |
3 | Concerning the casting out of unclean Spirits; and of the nature of the Redemption of Israel; and how I first saw Jesus of Nazareth. |
4 | Of the doctrine of John the Prophet, how it suited with the people of the land; and how I was baptized of the Prophet. |
5 | Of the Greek philosophers in Alexandria; and how I had discourse with Philo the Alexandrine. |
6 | How I found not salvation in the worship of the Temple; nor in the teachers of Galilee; nor in the Essenes; and how I first spake with Jesus of Nazareth. |
7 | Of the Good News; and concerning the Kingdom of God; and how we desired of Jesus new laws. |
8 | Of the New Law. |
9 | How Quartus interpreted the New Law. |
10 | How some desired Jesus to mix the New Law with the Old Law; and concerning the legion of swine; and how Jesus began to teach in parables. |
11 | Concerning the new power of the Forgiveness of Sins. |
12 | How the Forgiveness of Sins is the Key that openeth the New Kingdom; and how the Old Law and the New Law must not be mixed. |
13 | Of the plotting of the Pharisees against Jesus, how they said he had a devil; and concerning the Holy Spirit. |
14 | How John the Prophet doubted concerning Jesus; and concerning them that are “born of women;” and of the beheading of John the Prophet. |
15 | How Jesus fled from Capernaum, and the Galileans at first fell away from him; and concerning the levy in Galilee; and of the visit of Jesus to Nazareth. |
16 | How, after the death of John the Prophet, Jesus foresaw that he also must be slain; and of the Bread of Life, and the feeding of the five thousand; and concerning the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. |
17 | How Xanthias the Alexandrine said that the philosophy of Jesus aimed at the taking in of the Gentiles into the Kingdom, and at the enfranchisement of slaves; and how he found fault with Jesus for that he called himself the Son of man. |
18 | Of signs in heaven; and concerning the healing of the Syrophoenician maiden, how Jesus seemed to gain thereby some new knowledge. |
19 | How Jesus would work no sign in heaven; and concerning his temptation and wherefore he denied to work signs in heaven. |
20 | How Jesus led us, in our exile, to the Rock of Salvation; and how he founded the Temple of his Congregation thereon; and how he gave the Key thereof to Simon Peter. |
21 | How Jesus, having now determined to die, spake of that which was to come, with Moses and Elias, upon the Mount Hermon. |
22 | Of our going up to Jerusalem; and of the division between parents and children; and how Jesus testified of a Day of Judgment. |
23 | Of covetousness; and of fleeing from Death into Life; and concerning the Law of Retribution. |
24 | Of the falling away of Judas of Kerioth; and of the Times and Seasons; and of the Chief Places in the Kingdom; and how Jesus did and said nothing except it were prepared for him by the Father. |
25 | Concerning the fire of the Lord; and of the parables of watching; and of the Holy Spirit; and how Quartus urgeth that Jesus knew not all things beforehand. |
26 | How Jesus went down to Jerusalem, as a king, to wage war against Satan in the Temple; and how he foresaw that the Temple must be cast down; and of the parable of the withered fig-tree. |
27 | How Jesus prophesied of troubles, and of a great battle against Satan; and in the end the victory of the Son of man; but, first of all, his death. |
28 | How Jesus, by his Testament, bequeathed himself to his disciples for ever; and how he bare the sins of men in Gethsemane. |
29 | Of the crucifixion of Jesus; and of his last words upon the cross. |
30 | How the Holy Spirit, through much sorrow, prepared the disciples to behold Jesus risen from the dead; and of the vision of angels, which appeared first of all unto the women. |
31 | How Jesus appeared ofttimes to his disciples; and how, after many days, he ascended up to heaven. |
32 | How Jesus now ruleth the world, sitting on the right hand of the Father in heaven. |