A convalescin' woman does the strangest sort o' things, 176
A feller don't start in to think of himself, 174
A feller isn't thinkin' mean out fishin', 48
A little ship goes out to sea, 66
Along the paths o' glory there are faces new to-day, 61
An apple tree beside the way, 60
Before you came, my little lad, 77
Best way to read a book I know, 122
Cliffs of Scotland, guard them well, 63
Down to work o' mornings an' back to home at nights, 188
Eagerly he took my dime, 133
First thing in the morning, last I hear at night, 72
Full many a flag the breeze has kissed, 28
Give me the house where the toys are strewn, 30
Glad to get back home again, 82
God grant me these: the strength to do, 17
God grant that we shall never see, 76
God made the little boys for fun, 103
Got a sliver in my hand, 34
He couldn't use his driver any better on the tee, 184
He shall be great who serves his country well, 105
He was battle-scarred and ugly, 180
I can't help thinkin' o' the lad, 94
I do not ask a store of wealth, 166
I don't see why Pa likes him so, 26
I have no wish, my little lad, 156
I hold the finest picture books, 53
I like to get to thinking of the old days that are gone, 128
I look into the faces of the people passing by, 22
I remember the excitement and the terrible alarm, 24
I think my country needs my vote, 131
I wish I was a poet like the men that write in books, 90
I wonder what the trees will say, 134
I wonder where's a better job than buying cake and meat, 142
I would rather be the daddy, 52
I'd like to think when life is done, 36
If I could have my wish to-night, 120
I'm just the man to make things right, 55
"I'm never alone in the garden," he said, 170
I'm sorry for a feller if he hasn't any aunt, 88
Is it all in the envelope holding your pay? 150
Isn't it fine when the day is done, 13
It is faith that bridges the land of breath, 111
Last night I caught him on his knees, 70
Let loose the sails of love and let them fill, 33
Little girlie, kneeling there, 152

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