
The following congratulatory address by General Custer to his men at the close of the Civil War is supplied by Hon. A. H. Farnam, President of one of the largest Mill Companies of Aberdeen, Washington, who served with Custer's Cavalry with credit which served with the Sixth Corps at the battle of Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864, and in other battles, is of interest:

Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9th, 1865.
Headquarters Third Cavalry Division.
Soldiers of the Third Cavalry Division:—

With profound gratitude toward the God of battles, by whose blessing our enemies have been humbled and arms rendered triumphant, your Commanding General avails himself of this his first opportunity to express to you his admiration of the heroic manner in which you have passed through the series of battles which to-day resulted in the surrender of the enemy's entire army.

The record established by your indomitable courage is unparalleled in the annals of war. Your prowess has won for you even the respect and admiration of your enemies. During the past six months although in most instances confronted by superior numbers, you have captured from the enemy, in open battle, one hundred and eleven pieces of field artillery, sixty-five battle flags, and upwards of ten thousand prisoners of war including seven general officers. Within the past ten days, and included in the above, you have captured forty-six pieces of field artillery and thirty-seven battle flags, you have never lost a gun, never lost a color, and have never been defeated, and notwithstanding the numerous engagements in which you have borne a prominent part, including those memorable battles of the Shenandoah you have captured every piece of artillery which the enemy has dared to open upon you. The near approach of peace renders it improbable that you will again be called upon to undergo the fatigues of the toilsome march or the exposure of the battle-field, but should the assistance of keen blades wielded by your sturdy arms be required to hasten the coming of that glorious peace for which we have been so long contending, the General commanding is proudly confident that, in the future as in the past, every demand will meet with a hearty and willing response.

Let us hope that our work is done, and that, blessed with the comforts of peace, we may be permitted to enjoy the pleasures of home and friends. For our comrades who have fallen, let us ever cherish a grateful remembrance. To the wounded, and to those who languished in Southern prisons, let our heartfelt sympathy be tendered.

And now, speaking for myself alone, when the war is ended, and the task of the historian begins, when those deeds of daring which have rendered the name and fame of the Third Division imperishable, are inscribed upon the bright pages of our country's history, I only ask that my name be written as that of the Commander of the Third Cavalry Division.

G. A. Custer,
Brevet Major General Commanding.

S. W. Barnhart,
Captain and A. A. A. G.


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