Section | | Page |
1 | Of my childhood, | 1 |
2 | How I first saw the Holy Apostle Paulus, | 3 |
3 | Of the Stranger, and of Diosdotus the Priest of Zeus, | 6 |
4 | How we grew up at Lystra, | 10 |
5 | How Ammiane died, and my brother and I were sold for slaves, | 12 |
6 | Of the death of Chrestus, | 15 |
7 | Of my life in the Ergastulum, | 20 |
8 | How I was sold to Philemon of ColossÆ, | 25 |
1 | How I returned to the worship of false Gods, | 29 |
2 | How some of Philemon’s friends avowed a belief in one God, | 31 |
3 | How Nicostratus urged that, without the belief in the Gods, the life of Man would be void of pleasure, | 34 |
4 | How Philemon, falling sick, inclined to superstition, | 38 |
5 | How I accompanied Philemon to Pergamus, | 44 |
6 | How I went down into the cave of Trophonius, | 47 |
7 | How Artemidorus spoke against the belief in Gods, | 52 |
8 | How I journeyed with Philemon to Antioch in Syria, | 58 |
1 | Of my first thoughts concerning the Christians, | 64 |
2 | Of the Doctrine of the Christians, | 68 |
3 | How Artemidorus questioned me further concerning the Christians, | 75 |
4 | How the Christians honored the Prophets of the Jews, | 83 |
5 | Of the ancient Histories of the Jews, | 90 |
6 | How Artemidorus questioned me further, and of his relation concerning the casting out of the swine, | 95 |
7 | Of the Traditions of the Christians, and of the nature of Christus, | 101 |
8 | Of the rising of Christus from the dead, | 109 |
9 | How Artemidorus bade me cease from further enquiry, | 113 |
10 | How I stumbled at the Threshold of the Door, and went not in, | 114 |
1 | How we came to Athens, | 121 |
2 | How Artemidorus rebuked me, supposing that I was in danger of becoming a Christian, | 123 |
3 | Of my reply to Artemidorus, | 128 |
4 | Of Eucharis, and of my life at Athens, | 132 |
5 | How I returned to ColossÆ, and of my new life with Philemon, | 138 |
6 | Concerning my visit to Epictetus, | ONESIMUS.