Makers of History Louis XIV. By JOHN S. C. ABBOTT
LOUIS XIV. Chapter I. Birth and Childhood . 1615-1650 Marriage of Louis XIII.
Chapter II. The Boy-King. 1650-1653 M. de Retz.
Chapter III. Matrimonial Projects . 1653-1656 Gayeties in Paris.
Chapter IV. The Marriage of the King. 1658-1661
Chapter V. Festivities of the Court. 1661-1664 Influence and reputation of Mazarin.
Chapter VI. Death in the Palace. 1664-1670 Continued festivities. MoliEre.
Chapter VII The War in Holland. 1670-1679
Chapter VIII. Madame de Maintenon. 1649-1685 Beauty and intelligence of Franaeoise.
Chapter IX. The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 1680-1686 Character of Madame de Maintenon.
Chapter X. The Secret Marriage. 1685-1689 Temptation resisted.
Chapter XI. Intrigues and Wars. 1690-1711 Exhaustion of the treasury. The royal plate sacrificed.
Chapter XII. The Last Days of Louis XIV. 1712-1715 The Duke of Burgoyne.