

[A] For the places mentioned in this chapter, and the track of Cambyses on his expedition, see the map at the commencement of this volume.

[B] Literally, fish-eaters.

[C] An account of Herodotus, and of the circumstances under which he wrote his history, which will aid the reader very much in forming an opinion in respect to the kind and degree of confidence which it is proper to place in his statements, will be found in the first chapter of our history of Cyrus the Great.

[D] For the position of Sardis, and of other places mentioned in this chapter, see the map at the commencement of the volume, and also that at the commencement of chapter xi.

[E] It was a tumor of the breast, which became, at length, an open ulcer, and began to spread and enlarge in a very formidable manner.

[F] For the situation of these places, see the map at the commencement of chapter xi.

[G] For the track of Darius on this expedition, see the map at the commencement of this volume.

[I] For these places, see the map at the commencement of the next chapter.

[J] For a full account of these oracles, see the history of Cyrus the Great.

Transcriber's Notes

1. Minor changes have been made to correct typesetters' errors, and to ensure consistent spelling and punctuation in this etext; otherwise, every effort has been made to remain true to the original book.

2. The sidenotes used in this text were originally published as banners in the page headers, and have been moved to the relevant paragraph for the reader's convenience.


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