
A GOOD CRUST FOR GREAT PIES—To a peck of flour, add the yolks of three eggs. Boil some water, put in half a pound of fried suet and a pound and a half of butter. Skim off the butter and suet and as much of the liquor as will make a light crust. Mix well and roll out.

CRUST FOR CUSTARDS—Take a half pound of flour, six ounces of butter, the yolks of two eggs, three spoonfuls of cream. Mix well and roll very thin.

DRIPPING CRUST—Take a pound and a half of beef drippings; boil in water, strain and let it get cold, taking off the hard fat. Scrape off and boil it four or five times; then work it up well into three pounds of flour, then add enough cold water to make dough, just stiff enough to roll. This makes a very fine crust.

PASTE FOR TARTS—One pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of butter and just enough cold water to mix together. Beat well with a rolling pin.

PUFF PASTE—Take a quarter of a peck of flour, rub in a pound of butter, make it up into a light paste with a little cold waters, just stiff enough to handle; then roll out to about the thickness of a crown piece. Spread over with butter and sprinkle over with flour, then double up and roll out again. Double and roll out seven or eight times. It is then fit for all kinds of pies and tarts that require a puff paste.

APPLE PIE—Make up a puff paste crust and lay some around the sides of a dish. Pare and quarter apples. Put a layer of apples in the dish, sprinkle with sugar, and add a little lemon peel, cut up fine, a little lemon juice, a few cloves; then the rest of the apples, sugar and so on. Sweeten to taste. Boil the peels and cores of the apples in a little water, strain and boil the syrup with a little sugar. Pour over the apples. Put on the upper crust and bake. A little quince or marmalade may be used, if desired.

Pears may be used instead of apples, omitting the quince or marmalade.

Pies may be buttered when taken from oven. If a sauce is desired, beat up the yolks of two eggs, add half pint of cream, little nutmeg and sugar. Put over a slow fire, stirring well until it just boils up. Take off the upper crust and pour the sauce over the pie, replacing the crust.

APPLE PIE—SOUTHERN STYLE—For four pies half pound butter, quarter pound of lard, half dinner teaspoon of salt, work four cups flour and the above ingredients with a fork, and then mix with ice water and mix it so it will just stick together. Then ready for use.

BEATEN CREAM PIE—Line a plate with good paste, prick in several places to prevent rising out of shape. Bake and spread over some jelly or jam about half an inch thick, and cover with one cup of cream beaten stiff with two rounding tablespoons of powdered sugar and flavored with one teaspoon of vanilla.

LARGE LEMON PIE—Mix three level teaspoons of corn starch smooth in a little cold water, and stir into three cups of boiling water. Cook five minutes; stir in one level tablespoon of butter, the juice and grated yellow rind of two lemons, one and one-half cups of sugar, and the yolks of three eggs. Cook until the egg thickens, take from the fire and cool. Line a large pie plate with paste and gash it in several places to prevent rising unevenly, bake and fill with the mixture. Cover with a meringue made from the white of three eggs beaten with six level tablespoons of powdered sugar. Set in the oven to color.

LEMON PIE—This is an old fashion pie, because it is baked between two crusts, yet many have called it the best of all kinds. Grate the yellow rind of two lemons, take off all the white skin and chop the remainder very fine, discarding all the seeds. Add two cups of sugar and two beaten eggs. Mix well and pour into a paste lined plate cover, and bake thirty minutes.

NUT MINCE PIES—One cup of walnut meats chopped fine, two cups of chopped apple, one cup of raisins, one and one-half cups of sugar mixed with one teaspoon each of cinnamon and allspice and one-half teaspoon each of cloves and salt, one-half cup of vinegar and one-half cup of water or fruit juice. Mix thoroughly. This quantity makes two large pies.

PINEAPPLE CREAM PIE—One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one can shredded pineapple, one-half cup milk, two eggs. Cream the butter, add gradually the sugar, then the pineapple, milk and eggs well beaten. Mix well and bake in one crust like custard pie. When cool cover with a meringue or with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla.

PLAIN PIE PASTE—Sift one and one-half cups of flour with a saltspoon of salt and rub in one-quarter cup of lard. Moisten with very cold water until a stiff dough is formed. Pat out and lay on one-quarter cup of cold butter rolled out in a sheet. Fold in three layers, turn half way round, and pat out again. Fold and roll twice more. This will make one large pie with two crusts.

CHERRY PIE—Make a good crust, lining the sides of a pie pan. Place stoned cherries, well sweetened, in the pan and cover with upper crust. Bake in slow oven. (A few red currants may be added to the cherries if desired.)

Plums or gooseberry pies may be made in the same way.

CHERRY PIE—Roll two large soda crackers into fine dust and stone cherries enough to measure two cups. Line a pie plate with good rich paste and scatter one-half cup of sugar over. Sprinkle one-half of the cracker dust, and over that one-half of the cherries. Repeat the three layers, pour on one cup of cherry juice and cold water, cover with paste and bake in a moderate oven.

FRESH RASPBERRY PIE—Line a pie plate with rich paste, fill with raspberries and scatter on sugar to sweeten. Cover with a crust and bake in a quick oven. When done draw from the oven, cut a gash in the top, and pour in the following mixture: The yolks of two eggs beaten light with a tablespoon of sugar and mixed with one cup of hot thin cream. Set back in the oven for five minutes.

GREEN CURRANT PIE—Stew and mash a pint of rather green currants, sweeten abundantly, add a sprinkling of flour or a rolled cracker and bake with two crusts. Dust generously with powdered sugar.

GREEN TOMATO PIE—Take green tomatoes not yet turned and peel and slice wafer thin. Fill a plate nearly full, add a tablespoonful vinegar and plenty of sugar, dot with bits of butter and flavor with nutmeg or lemon. Bake in one or two crusts as preferred.

LEMON CREAM PIE—Stir into one cup of boiling water one tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Cook until thickened and clear, then add one cup of sugar, a teaspoonful of butter, and the juice and grated rind of two lemons. Add the beaten yolks of three eggs and take from the fire. Have ready the bottom crust of a pie that has been baked, first pricking with a fork to prevent blisters. Place the custard in the crust and bake half an hour. When done take from the oven and spread over the top a meringue made from the stiffly whipped whites of the eggs, and three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Shut off the oven so it will be as cool as possible giving the meringue plenty of time to rise, stiffen and color to a delicate gold.

APPLE FRITTERS—Beat the yolks of eight eggs and the white of four together. Add a quart of cream. Put over a fire and heat until you can bear your finger in it. Add quarter of a pint of sack, three-quarters of a pint of ale and make a posset of it. When cool put in nutmeg, ginger, salt and flour. The batter should be pretty thick. Add pippins, sliced or scraped and fry in deep fat.

APPLE SLUMP—Fill a deep baking dish with apples, pared, cored and sliced. Scatter on a little cinnamon and cover with good paste rolled a little thicker than for pie. Bake in a moderate oven until the apples are done, serve in the same dish, cutting the crust into several sections. Before cutting, the crust may be lifted and the apples seasoned with butter and sugar, or the seasoning may be added after serving. A liquid or a hard sauce may be served with the slump. If the apples are a kind that do not cook easily bake half an hour, then put on the crust and set back in the oven.

BREAD PUFFS WITH SAUCE—When bread dough is raised light, cut off small pieces and pull out two or three inches long. Fry like doughnuts in deep fat and put into a deep dish, turn over the puffs a cream sauce seasoned with salt and pepper.

CHERRY DUMPLINGS—Sift two cups of pastry flour with four level teaspoons of baking powder and a saltspoon of salt. Mix with three-quarters cup of milk or enough to make a soft dough. Butter some cups well, put a tablespoon of dough in each, then a large tablespoon of stoned cherries and another tablespoon of dough. Set in a steamer or set the cups in a pan of hot water and into the oven to cook half an hour. Serve with a sweet liquid sauce.

COTTAGE CHEESE TARTLETS—One cup cheese, three level tablespoons sugar, few grains salt, two teaspoons melted butter, one tablespoon lemon juice, yolks two eggs, one-fourth cup milk, whites two eggs. Press the cheese through a potato ricer or sieve, then add the sugar, salt, butter, lemon juice, and the egg yolks well beaten and mixed with the milk. Mix well and fold the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Line individual tins with pastry and fill three-fourths full with the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven for thirty minutes.

PRUNE TARTS—Wash the prunes thoroughly and soak over night or for several hours. Cook in the same water. When very tender rub them through a sieve. To one cup of the pulp add one tablespoon of lemon juice, the yolks of two eggs beaten with one-half cup of thin cream and a few grains of salt. Mix well and sweeten to taste, then fold in the whites of two eggs beaten very stiff. Line small tins with paste, fill with the mixture and bake in a moderate oven. Serve cold.

RASPBERRY DUMPLINGS—Wash one cup of rice and put into the double boiler. Pour over it two cups of boiling water, add one-half teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar and cook thirty minutes or until soft. Have some small pudding cloths about twelve inches square, wring them out of hot water and lay them over a small half pint bowl. Spread the rice one-third of an inch thick over the cloth, and fill the center with fresh raspberries. Draw the cloth around until the rice covers the berries and they are a good round shape. Tie the ends of the cloth firmly, drop them into boiling water and cook twenty minutes. Remove the cloth and serve with lemon sauce.

TART SHELLS—Roll out thin a nice puff paste, cut with a small biscuit cutter. With cutter take out the centers of two or three of these, lay the rings thus made on the third and bake immediately. Shells may also be made by lining pattypans with the paste; if the paste is light the shells will be fine and may be used for tarts or oyster patties. Filled with jelly and covered with meringue (a tablespoonful of sugar to the white of an egg), and browned in the oven.

BAVARIAN CREAM—Soak one-quarter of a box of gelatin in cold water until it is soft, then dissolve it in a cup of hot milk with one-third of a cup of sugar. Flavor with vanilla and set away to cool. Whip one pint of cream and when the gelatin is cold and beginning to stiffen stir in the cream lightly. Form in mold.

BOILED CUSTARD—Heat two cups of milk in a double boiler and pour on to the yolks of three eggs beaten light, with three rounding tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Return to the double boiler and cook until the spoon will coat with the custard. Cool and add flavoring.

CALLA LILIES—Beat three eggs and a rounding cup of sugar together, add two-thirds cup of flour and one-half teaspoon of lemon flavoring. Drop in teaspoonfuls on a buttered sheet, allowing plenty of room to spread in baking. Bake in a moderate oven, take up with a knife, and roll at once into lily shape. Bake but four or five at a time because if the cakes cool even a little they will break. Fill each with a little beaten and sweetened cream.

COCOA CUSTARD—For three cups of milk allow four teaspoons of cocoa, three beaten eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, and three-quarters teaspoon of vanilla. Heat the milk, stir in the cocoa, and cool a little before pouring over the egg and sugar. Bake in custard cups set in a pan of hot water in a moderate oven.

COFFEE CREAM—Have one and one-half cups of strong coffee hot, add one level tablespoon of gelatin soaked in one-half cup of milk for fifteen minutes. When well dissolved add two-thirds cup of sugar, a saltspoon of salt, and the yolks of three eggs beaten light, stir in the double boiler till thick, take from the fire, and add the white of three eggs beaten stiff and one-half teaspoon of vanilla. Fill molds that have been dipped in cold water, set in cool place and when firm unmold and serve with powdered sugar and cream.

COFFEE CUP CUSTARD—One quart milk, one-fourth cup ground coffee, four eggs, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth level teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon vanilla. Tie the coffee loosely in a piece of cheesecloth and put into double boiler with the milk. Scald until a good coffee color and flavor is obtained, then remove from the fire. Remove the coffee. Beat the eggs and add the sugar, salt and vanilla, then pour on gradually the milk. Strain into cups, place in a pan of hot water, and bake in a moderate oven until firm in the middle. Less vanilla is required when combined with another flavoring.



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