BEAUREGARD EGGS—Two level tablespoons butter, two level tablespoons flour, one-half level teaspoon salt, one cup milk, four hard-boiled eggs. Make a white sauce of the butter, flour, salt and milk, and add the whites of the eggs chopped fine. Cut buttered toast in pointed pieces and arrange on a hot plate to form daisy petals. Cover with the sauce and put the egg yolks through a ricer into the center. EGG AND POTATO SCALLOP—Fill a buttered baking dish with alternate layers of cold boiled potatoes sliced thin, hard-boiled eggs also sliced, and a rich white sauce poured over each layer. Cover the top with buttered crumbs and set in the oven until the crumbs are browned. EGGS SCRAMBLED IN MILK—Half pint of milk, five eggs. Heat the milk in a saucepan and when it is just at the boiling point stir in the eggs, which should have been beaten enough to mix them thoroughly. Stir steadily until they thicken, add a half teaspoonful of salt and serve at once. EGG WITH WHITE SAUCE FOR LUNCHEON—Cut stale bread into one-fourth slices and shape into rounds, then saute in olive oil. Arrange on a hot platter and on each place a French poached egg. Cover with Marnay sauce, sprinkle with buttered breadcrumbs and put in oven just long enough to brown crumbs. For the Marnay sauce, cook one and one-half cups of chicken stock with one slice of onion, one slice carrot, bit of bay leaf, a sprig of parsley and six peppercorns until reduced to one cup, then strain. Melt one-fourth cup of butter, add one-fourth cup flour, and stir until well blended, then pour on gradually while constantly heating the chicken stock and three-fourths cup scalded milk. Bring to the boiling point and add one-half teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika, two tablespoons of Parmesean cheese and one-half cup goose or duck liver, cut in one-third inch cubes. LIGHT OMELET—Separate your eggs and beat the yolks until thick and light colored, adding a tablespoonful cold water for each yolk and a seasoning of salt and pepper. Beat the whites until they are dry and will not slip from the dish, then turn into them the beaten yolks, folding carefully until thoroughly blended. Have the pan hot and butter melted, turn in the mixture, smothering it over the top, cover and place on asbestos mat on top of stove until well risen, then uncover and set in the oven to dry. Try it with a heated silver knife thrust in the middle. When done, cut across the middle, fold and turn out, dust with sugar, glaze and serve quickly. OMELET FOR ONE—Beat the yolks of two eggs until creamy, add four tablespoons of milk and saltspoon of salt. Add the whites beaten stiff and put into a hot pan in which a rounding teaspoon of butter is melted. The mixture should begin to bubble almost at once; cook three or four minutes, slipping a knife under now and then to keep the under side from burning. When the top begins to set, fold it over and turn on a hot platter. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH MUSHROOMS—Pare, wash and slice half a pound of fresh mushrooms, put them in a sautoir; cover, shake the sautoir once in awhile and cook ten minutes. Break and beat five or six eggs in a saucepan, adding seasoning of salt, pepper, nutmeg and one-half ounces of butter cut into bits. Add the mushrooms, set over the fire, stir constantly with wooden paddle, and when eggs are thick and creamy turn into a heated dish, garnish with toasted bread points, and serve at once. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PEPPERS—Scrambled eggs on toast with chopped sweet green peppers make an excellent breakfast dish. Toast four slices of bread, butter, and put where the platter on which they are arranged will keep hot. Put a tablespoonful of butter in a hot frying-pan, as soon as it bubbles turn in half a dozen eggs which have been broken into a bowl, and mix with half a dozen tablespoonfuls of water. As the whites begin to set, whip together quickly with a silver knife. Sprinkle over the top two finely cut peppers from which the seeds have been removed, stir through the eggs, let the whole cook a half minute, then pour over the slices of toast, garnish with sprigs of parsley, and serve at once. SCOTCH EGGS—Shell six hard-boiled eggs and cover with a paste made of one-third stale breadcrumbs cooked soft in one- BANANAS WITH OATMEAL—Add a teaspoonful of salt to a quart of rapidly boiling water and sprinkle in two cups of rolled oatmeal. Set the saucepan into another dish of boiling water (double boiler), cover and cook at least one hour. Longer cooking is preferable. Have ready half a banana for each person to be served. The banana should be peeled and cut in thin slices. Put a spoonful of the hot oatmeal over the bananas in the serving dishes. Pass at the same time sugar and milk or cream. Other cereals may be served with bananas in the same way. SPAWN AND MILK—Have the water boiling fast. Salt to taste, then holding a handful of meal high in the left hand, let it sift slowly between the fingers into the bubbling water, stirring all the time with the right hand. Stir until a thin, smooth consistency obtains, then push back on the fire where it will cook slowly for several hours, stirring occasionally with a "pudding stick" or wooden spoon. It will thicken as it cooks. Serve in bowls with plenty of good rich milk. BOILED SAMP—Soak two cupfuls over night in cold water. In the morning wash thoroughly, cover with boiling water, and simmer gently all day. Do not stir, as that tends to make it mushy, but shake the pot frequently. As the water boils away add more, but not enough to make much liquid. About a half hour before serving add a cupful rich milk, tablespoon butter, and salt to season. Let this boil up once, and serve hot. MOLDED CEREAL WITH BANANA SURPRISE—Turn any left-over breakfast cereal, while still hot, into cups rinsed in cold water, half filling the cups. When cold, scoop out the centers and fill the open spaces with sliced bananas, turn from the cups onto a buttered agate pan, fruit downward, and set into a hot oven to become very hot. Remove with a broad-bladed knife to cereal dishes. Serve at once with sugar and cream or milk. THICKENED BUTTER—Place in a saucepan the yolks of a couple of eggs. Break them gently with a spoon, adding four ounces of butter, melted but not browned. Set the pan over a slow fire, stirring until of the required consistency. SHRIMP BUTTER—Pick and shell one pound of shrimps, place them in a mortar and pound, add one-half pound of butter when well mixed; pass the whole through a fine sieve. The butter is then ready for use. SARDINE BUTTER—Remove the skins and bones from seven or eight sardines; put them in a mortar and pound until smooth. Boil two large handfuls of parsley until tender, squeeze it as dry as possible, remove all stalks and stems and chop it. Put the parsley in the mortar with the fish and four ounces of butter, then pound again. When well incorporated mold the butter into shapes. Keep on ice until ready for serving. Excellent for hot toast. MAITRE D'HOTEL BUTTER—Quarter of a pound of butter, two tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, salt and pepper and juice of two lemons. Mix thoroughly and keep in cool place. CAULIFLOWER IN MAYONNAISE—Select some large, cold boiled cauliflowers and break into small branches, adding a little salt, pepper and vinegar to properly season. Heap them on a dish to form a point. Surround with a garnish of cooked carrots, turnips and green vegetables, pour some white mayonnaise sauce over all, and serve. SARDINE COCKTAIL—Drain and skin one-half box boneless sardines and separate into small pieces. Add one-half cup tomato catsup, mixed with two teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, one-half teaspoon tabasco sauce, the juice of one lemon, and salt to taste. Chill thoroughly and serve in scallop shells, placing each shell on a plate of crushed ice. SAUCE FOR VARIOUS SHELLFISH IN THE SHAPE OF COCKTAIL—For the truffle sauce melt three tablespoons of butter, add three tablespoons of flour, and stir until well blended, then pour on gradually while heating constantly one cup milk and one-half cup heavy cream. Bring to the boiling point and add two chopped truffles, two tablespoons Madeira wine, salt and pepper to taste. BAKED MILK—Put fresh milk into a stone jar, cover with white paper and bake in a moderate oven until the milk is thick as cream. This may be taken by the most delicate stomach. MINT VINEGAR—Fill in a wide-mouthed bottle or a quart fruit jar with fresh mint leaves, well washed and bruised a little. Let the leaves fall in without pressing. Fill the jar with cider BLACKBERRY VINEGAR—Mash the berries to a pulp in an earthenware or wooden vessel. Add good cider vinegar to cover and stand in sun during the day and in the cellar at night, stirring occasionally. Next morning strain and add the same amount fresh berries. Crush and pour the whole, the strained juice, and set in the sun again all day and in the cellar at night. The third day strain to each quart of the juice one pint water and five pounds sugar. Heat slowly and when at boiling point skim, and after it boils strain and bottle. HOMEMADE VINEGAR—For pineapple vinegar, cover the parings and some of the fruit, if you wish, with water. A stone crock or glass jar is the best receptacle for this purpose. Add sugar or sirup, according to the condition of the fruit, and set in the sun where it can ferment thoroughly. Skim frequently to remove all impurities, and when as acid as desired, strain and bottle. Gooseberry vinegar is made by crushing gooseberries not quite ripe, covering with cold water (three quarts of water to two of fruit) and allowing it to stand for two days. Press and strain. Allow a pint of sugar and half a yeast cake to each gallon of the liquid. Set in the sun, and when the fluid has worked clear, strain and leave in a warm place until as sharp as desired. A cloth should be tied over the top of the jar to keep out insects and dust. SAMP AND BEANS—Soak a quart of the samp and a scant pint pea beans over night in cold water, each in a separate vessel. In the morning put the samp over to cook in a large pot, covering with fresh boiling water. Simmer gently about two hours, protecting from scorch, by an asbestos mat and a frequent shaking of the pot. As the samp commences to swell and the water dries out add more. After two hours add the beans that have been soaking, together with a pound of streaked salt pork. Season with salt and pepper and continue the cooking all day, shaking frequently. Just before serving add butter and more salt if it needs it. DRESSING FOR ITALIAN RAVIOLI—Nine eggs beaten very light. One quart of spinach boiled and drained until dry. Chop very fine. Add salt and pepper to taste, one cup grated American cream cheese, little nutmeg, one-half pint breadcrumbs soaked in milk, two tablespoonfuls olive oil, three tablespoonfuls of cream. Cracker meal enough to thicken. NOODLE DOUGH FOR ITALIAN RAVIOLI—Make noodle crust as you would for noodles. Roll very fine and cover half the crust with ravioli dressing half-inch thick. Turn over the other half to cover. Mark in squares as shown in figure. Cut with a pie cutter after marking. Drop one by one in salted boiling water, cook about twenty minutes, drain and arrange on platter and sprinkle each layer with grated cheese and mushroom sauce. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE—Chop fine one pound each of beef, pork, veal and fat bacon. Mix with three-fourths of a pound of fine chopped beef suet and season with sage, sweet herbs, salt and pepper. Press into large skins thoroughly cleaned and soaked in cold salt water for several hours before being used, fasten tightly on both ends and prick in several places. Place in a deep saucepan, cover with boiling water, simmer gently for an hour, lay on straw to dry and hang. LEMON JELLY—Grate two lemons and the juice of one. The yolks of three eggs, two cups of sugar. Butter, the size of an egg. Boil until thick. MARGARETTES—One half-pound of peanuts, one pound of dates chopped fine. One cup of milk in the dates and boil, add peanuts. Make a boiled icing. Take the long branch crackers, spread the filling between the crackers, put on the icing and put in the oven to brown. |