
BALTIMORE ICE CREAM—Two quarts of strawberries, two cups of granulated sugar, half cup powdered sugar, one pint cream, about two spoonfuls vanilla, half cup chopped nuts, heat the berries and sugar together, when cool mix other ingredients and freeze.

BLACK CURRANT ICE CREAM—Stew one cupful black currants five minutes, then press through a fine sieve. Add a cupful rich sirup and a cupful thick cream, beat well, then freeze. When stiff pack in an ornamental mold, close over and pack in ice and salt. When ready to serve turn out on a low glass dish, garnish with crystallized cherries and leaves of angelica.

FROZEN ICE—Cook one cup of rice in boiling salted water twelve minutes. Drain and put it in the double boiler, one quart milk, one cup sugar and one saltspoon salt. Cook till soft, then rub through a sieve. Scald one pint of cream and mix with it the beaten yolks of four eggs. Cook about two minutes, or until the eggs are scalding hot, then stir this into the rice. Add more sugar, if needed, and one tablespoonful vanilla. Chill and pack firmly in the freezer or round the mold. Turn out and ornament the top with fresh pineapple cut in crescent pieces or with quartered peaches and serve a fresh fruit sirup sauce with the cream.

FRUIT ICE—Three lemons, three oranges, three bananas, three cups sugar, three pints cold water, by pressing juice from orange and lemons, strain well, peel banana, rub through strainer into the fruit juice, add the sugar, then the water, stir until the sugar is dissolved, pour into freezer. The ice that is used should be pounded until fine, and the right kind of salt should be used.

ICE CREAM WITH MAPLE SAUCE—Scald one quart of cream, add one-half cup of sugar, a bit of salt, and when cold freeze as usual, first flavoring with vanilla or extract of ginger. Reduce some pure maple sirup by boiling until quite thick, stir into it some sliced pecans or walnuts and serve hot with each portion of the cream.

PINEAPPLE CREAM—Two cups of water, one cup of sugar, boil fifteen minutes, let cool, add one can grated pineapple. Freeze to mush, fold in one-half pint of whipped cream, let stand an hour, but longer time is better.

VANILLA ICE CREAM—Put two cups of milk in a double boiler, add a pinch of soda and scald, beat four eggs light with two cups of sugar, pour the hot milk on slowly, stirring all the time; turn back into double boiler and cook until a smooth custard is formed. Cool and flavor strongly with vanilla because freezing destroys some of the strength of flavoring. Stir in a pint of sweet cream and freeze.

CRANBERRY SHERBET—This is often used at a Thanksgiving course dinner to serve after the roast. To make it boil a quart of cranberries with two cupfuls of water until soft, add two cupfuls sugar, stir until dissolved, let cool, add the juice of one or two lemons and freeze. This may be sweeter if desired. Serve in sherbet glasses.

CURRANT SHERBET—Mash ripe red currants well and strain the juice. To two cups of the juice add two cups of sugar, two cups of water, and bring to boiling point. Cook a few minutes and skim well, then pour while hot slowly on to the whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Beat a few minutes, cool, and freeze.

LEMON GINGER SHERBET—This is made the same as the lemon with the addition of four ounces of candied ginger cut in fine bits and added to the sirup with the grated yellow rind of a lemon. Boil until clear, add lemon juice and a little more of the rind and proceed as with the ice.

LEMON SHERBET—Put two cups of sugar into four cups of water and cook five minutes after it begins to boil. Add one-half level tablespoon of gelatin soaked in a tablespoon of cold water for fifteen minutes. Stir one cup of lemon juice and freeze.

PINEAPPLE SORBET—Peel and cut up a small sugar loaf pineapple and let it stand in a cool place over night with a pint of sugar added to it. An earthen jar is best for holding the pineapple, whose acid properties forbid its standing in tin. In the morning strain, pressing out as much of the juice as possible. Add to this a pint of water and the grated rind of an orange. Boil ten minutes, add the juice of one lemon and two oranges, freeze about fifteen minutes until of a smooth, even, cream-like texture, and serve after the meat course at dinner. If you desire a granite which is frozen as hard as ice cream, but should be of a rough-grained consistency, set the mixture away packed in ice and let it remain there for two or three hours. Scrape the frozen part occasionally from the sides of the can and stir long enough to mix the ice with the mass, but not long enough to make it creamy. Serve in a cup made of the half skin of an orange with the pulp scraped out.

TEA SHERBET—Make a quart of fine flavored tea in the usual way, pour off, sweeten to taste, add the juice of half a lemon and the fine shredded peel, and freeze.

GLACE DES GOURMETS—Make a custard of one pint milk, six egg yolks, one cup sugar and a few grains of salt. Strain and add one pint cream, one cup almonds (blanched, cooked in caramel, cooled, and pounded), and one tablespoon vanilla. Whip one pint heavy cream and add one-half pound powdered sugar, one tablespoon of rum, one teaspoon of vanilla and one-fourth pound of macaroons broken in small pieces. Freeze the first mixture and put in a brick mold, cover with second mixture, then repeat. Pack in salt and ice, using two parts crushed ice to one part rock salt and let stand two hours. Remove from mold and garnish with macaroons in brandy.

MAPLE PARFAIT—Beat four eggs slightly in a double boiler, pour in one cup of hot maple sirup, stirring all the time. Cook until thick, cool, and add one pint of thick cream beaten stiff. Pour into a mold and pack in equal parts of ice and salt. Let stand three hours.

PINEAPPLE PARFAIT—Cook for five minutes over the fire one cup granulated sugar and a quarter cup of water. Beat the yolks of six eggs until lemon colored and thick, then add the sirup little by little, constantly beating. Cook in a double boiler until the custard coats the spoon, then strain and beat until cold. Add two cupfuls pineapple pulp pressed through a sieve and fold in a pint of cream whipped stiff. Pack and bury in the ice and salt mixture.

STRAWBERRY PARFAIT—Hull, wash and drain some sweet strawberries. Press through a strainer enough to give about two-thirds of a cup of pulp. Cook together in a graniteware saucepan one cupful granulated sugar and half a cup of water until it spins a thread. Do not stir while cooking. Whip two whites of eggs stiff and then pour the hot sirup over them and continue beating them until the mixture is cold. As it thickens add the crushed berries, a spoonful at a time. Have ready a pint of cream whipped to a solid froth, stir lightly into the egg and berry mixture, then pack into a covered mold and bury in ice and salt, equal proportions, leaving it for several hours.

VIOLET PARFAIT—This is made the same as white parfait, using one-third cup of grape juice instead of the boiling water, and adding half a cup of grape juice and the juice of half a lemon to the cream before beating.

VANILLA PARFAIT—Cook a half cup each sugar and water over the fire until it threads. Do not stir after the sugar has dissolved. Beat the whites of three eggs until very stiff, pour the sirup slowly over it, beating constantly. Flavor with vanilla, and when cold fold in a pint of cream whipped stiff. Pour into a mold and pack.


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