METHODS OF MAKING BISCUITS AND CAKES. It is here necessary to premise that particular care must be taken to keep the utensils entirely free from grease of any kind: and the flour and sugar quite dry, as in case of neglect you cannot make good biscuits. Savoy Biscuits.Take one pound and a half of sugar, one pound and two ounces of flour, and twenty four eggs: separate the yolks from the whites, beat the yolks and sugar together with a spoon: whisk the whites up stiff, and mix with the yolks; whisk it all on a slow fire till warm, N.B. They require a hot oven, and you should sift a little sugar over them, just before you put them in. Spunge Biscuits.Take one pound of sugar, and three quarters of flour, and mix in the same manner as the savoy biscuits: these will not require so hot an oven as the former. Palace Royal Biscuits.Are made in the same manner as savoy biscuits, and are baked in small paper boxes. Royal Heart Biscuits.To a pound of almonds beat fine, put a pound and a half of sugar, half a pound of flour, sixteen whole eggs, and Diet Bread Cakes.Take one pound of moist sugar, one pound and a quarter of flour, and seven eggs: let your sugar boil with better than half a pint of water; then whisk your eggs and sugar up well: take it off, and whisk it till it is cold, then mix in your flour, and put it into moles. Naple Biscuits.Are made in the same manner as diet bread, but add a little more flour. Orange Heart Biscuits.Take one pound and a half of sugar, three quarters of a pound of flour, one pound and a half of yolks of eggs, eight preserved orange peels, and two Queen Cakes.Take one pound and a quarter of flour, one pound of sugar, and one pound of butter, a quarter of a pound of currants, and eight eggs: cream your butter, and beat it up with the eggs and sugar, then put in the flour and currants. Champaign Biscuits.Take the whites of eight eggs with some flour, and half a pound of butter; beat the eggs and sugar together: melt the butter, and beat it up; then put in the flour and a few carraway seeds: fold a paper up in the form of a fan, and drop them in the ridges: they will require a hot oven. Fine Rusks.Make a good diet bread paste, bake it in long tins; when cold, cut it in slices, and brown them in the oven: put a few carraway seeds in the paste. French Rusks.Take three pounds of sugar, four pounds of flour, and two pounds of yolks of eggs: beat the sugar and yolks together, then mix in the flour, and roll it up in long rolls; bake it, and when cold, cut it into thin slices. Yarmouth Cakes.Take one pound and a half of flour, one pound of sugar, and one pound of butter, six ounces of currants, and six eggs: beat the eggs and sugar together, melt the butter, and mix it and the flour up to stiff paste: part it half for plums, and half for seed; then roll it out, cut it into round shapes, and bake them in a gentle oven. Tunbridge Water Cakes.Take one pound of flour, one pound of butter, three quarters of a pound of sugar, half a pint of cream, and four eggs: mix the eggs, sugar, and cream together, put in the butter melted, and beat it up well; then mix in the flour, and a few carraway seeds, roll the part out quite thin; cut it into round cakes, and bake them in a slow oven. Cedraty Biscuits.Take one pound and three quarters of sugar, half a pound of yolks, and three quarters of a pound of butter: mix these together, then roll them up with as much flour as is necessary to stiffen it: make them into round rings, and bake them. Italian Cakes.Take the whites of twelve eggs with some flour and sugar; whisk the eggs Common Maccaroons.Take one pound of almonds, one pound of sugar, and the whites of ten eggs, and a little rose water: pound your almonds with the whites, and rose water; then mix in the sugar, and lay them out on wafer paper. French Maccaroons.To a pound of almonds, allow two pounds of sugar mixed in the same way, and laid out in the same manner. Ratafia Biscuits.Take half a pound of sweet almonds, and half a pound of bitter: pound them fine, mixed with whites of eggs, then add two pounds and a half of sugar; Orange Biscuits.Mix one pound of almonds, with two pounds of sugar in the same manner as ratafia biscuits; but rasp the rind of eight China oranges among it, and drop them in small drops. Lemon biscuits are made in the same manner. Spanish Rusks.Take half a pound of yolks, half a pound of sugar, and half a pound of flour; two ounces of butter, two lemons rasped, and a glass of brandy: mix all together, then roll it up stiff, and make it in rings, and bake them. Merenges.Take a pint of sugar, and the whites of six eggs; boil the sugar to the degree Ginger Cakes.Take one pound of butter, three pounds of flour, one pound of sugar; a pint of cream, and five eggs: beat the eggs, cream, and sugar together; melt the butter and put it in, then mix in the flour with a few carraway seeds, and six ounces of ginger; roll them thin, and bake them in a slow oven. Ginger-Bread Nuts.To five pounds of flour, put six pounds of treacle, one pound and a half of sugar, and a pound and a half of butter: rub the butter with the flour and sugar, then mix it up with the treacle; and put in six ounces of ginger, Filbert Biscuits.Take a pound of nut kernels; let them be exceeding dry, pound them fine, with the whites of eggs; mix in two pounds of sugar, beat the paste up with whites of eggs. Drop them out in small drops. Sweetmeat Biscuits.Take a pound of sugar, a pound and a half of flour, the yolks of twenty eggs, with half a pound of almonds; pound the almonds fine with the yolks: mix in the sugar, and beat it up well, then mix in the flour, bake it in a square cake, afterwards ice it: cut it into shapes, and put orange peels on them. Rock Almond Biscuits.Cut your almonds very fine: to a pound of which, allow four ounces of Syringe Biscuits.To a pound of almonds, allow four pounds of sugar: pound the almonds fine, mixed with whites of eggs; then put in the sugar, mix it into a stiff paste; then push it through your jumbal mould, and form it into different shapes. Italian Maccaroons.To a pound of almonds, allow two pounds and a quarter of sugar: mix it all in the same manner as ratafia biscuits. Drop it on wafer paper, and put some almonds cut small on the top of every drop. Milfruit Biscuits.Cut some almonds small, and colour some of the pieces red; then cut some Marchpane Biscuits.Beat a pound of almonds in a mortar, with a little rose water, and the whites of four eggs: mix in a pound of sugar, roll it out, and put two pieces together, with some rasberry jam between: ice it, and cut it into different shapes; bake them in a slow oven. Biscuit Drops.To a pound of sugar, allow a pound and a quarter of flour, and eight eggs: mix them in the same manner as spunge biscuits; drop them on wafer paper. Common savoys are made in the same manner. To make a Savoy Cake.Take the whites of six eggs, with some flour and sugar; beat the yolks To make a Spunge Cake.Take the whites of six eggs in sugar, and the weight of four eggs in flour; mix it up in the same manner as a savoy cake. To make a Plum Cake.To two pounds of flour, allow two pounds of sugar, two pounds of butter, and sixteen eggs: cream the butter, and beat it all up together; then mix in a pound of currants. N.B. Seed Cake is made in the same manner. To make a Rice Cake.To a pound of sugar, allow a pound of flour, and half a pound of rice pounded fine, and ten eggs: mix it up exactly in the same manner as diet-bread. To make an Almond Cake.To half a pound of almonds, allow half a pound of sugar, and the yolks of sixteen eggs; beat it up well, then put in three whole eggs, and mix in six ounces of flour. N.B. It will require a slack oven. To make a Ratafia Cake.To a pound of sugar, allow three quarters of a pound of flour, and four ounces of bitter almonds pounded fine: mix it up with fourteen eggs, in the same manner as a savoy cake. To make Anniseed Cakes.To half a pound of sugar, allow a pound of flour, three whites of eggs, and half a pound of butter: mix all these ingredients together with a little cream, then put in two ounces of anniseeds, roll it very thin, and cut it into round cakes. Cinnamon Drop Biscuits.To a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, allow half a pound of sugar: pound the almonds fine with whites of eggs, put in a little cinnamon essence, or a little cinnamon pounded fine; then drop them on paper in small drops, and bake them in a slow oven. |