FRUITS IN BRANDY. Cherries in Brandy.Put your cherries into jars, and to a quart of French brandy, allow half a pint of clarified sugar: mix your sugar and brandy, cover the cherries with it, let them stand a month, then fill the jars again, and cover them up for use. N.B. The morello cherries are the most proper, and you may infuse rasberries, or mulberries, in the same manner. Apricots in Brandy.Take a pan and half, fill it with pump Peaches in Brandy.Wipe the down off your peaches, prick them with a small knife in three places, scald them in some water, with the juice of three or four lemons in it; then take them out, put them in jars, and cover them with white brandy: to two quarts of brandy, put three pints of clarified sugar. Mogul Plums in Brandy.Take your mogul plums when they are half preserved, drain them dry, put Green Gages in Brandy.These are prepared in the same manner as any green plum. Pears in Brandy.Scald your pears tender, with some lemon juice in the water: put them into cold water and pare the rind off; lay them in allum and water all night, to keep them white; then drain and put them into jars: to a quart of brandy, allow a pint of clarified sugar. |